I finally got brave today. I opened the bag of lavender gmathis sent me. I have learned to love jasmine. I’ve grown quite fond of rose when it is well done (Nina’s Mmmmm). I find the floral notes of oolong comforting and tasty. Lavender though scares the puddin’ out of me. Why? It is just so intense.
Today I selected this Earl Grey as it is tough like Superman. The bergamot is pretty intense but the Ceylon base does eventually show up as the cup cools. I am just hoping this jasmine isn’t the kryptonite I fear. I used my usual scoop of leaf and about a 1/4 tsp of lavender. This turned out really interesting. The two flavors combine. Neither overpowers the other. Neither is intense.
I just realized ETS’s Scent of Bergamot contains lavender and it is similar to what I am getting here. That one has some other ingredients and I think I like my simple concoction better. Next time I will use slightly less lavender as I would prefer the Earl Grey to shine through a little more. Maybe I’ll use Moscow Nights as it is a Lapsong with light bergamot. The intense smoke just seems like it will really work with the lavender. Actually really enjoying this cup though. Glad I finally manned up and used the flowers. :)
I love growing it, I love smelling it, I love it in every way, EXCEPT in my tea cup or food! :p
I was so excited the first time I tried ‘herbs de province’ on something I was cooking…can’t remember what…never again!
Same with tea…I feel like I’m drinking bath water, lol
BUT, I applaud your experimentation, K, cuz it’s always worth trying, right? :)
seule771 I had tried bagged jasmine and hated it. Once I had the opportunity to try good jasmine from Teavivre I found the learning to love it very easy.
Terri the first time I was around lavender was at the farmers market. It stopped my head up just walking near it. I fully expected an experience like your’s with this tea. Gmathis warned me to go easy. I did and it turned out well. I still find the scent is still too much. It is kind of funny – my first experience with cocoa nibs a few days ago was much less satisfying. I used too much.
I love growing it, I love smelling it, I love it in every way, EXCEPT in my tea cup or food! :p
I was so excited the first time I tried ‘herbs de province’ on something I was cooking…can’t remember what…never again!
Same with tea…I feel like I’m drinking bath water, lol
BUT, I applaud your experimentation, K, cuz it’s always worth trying, right? :)
like choice of wording: “I have learned to love jasmine”. Kudos!
seule771 I had tried bagged jasmine and hated it. Once I had the opportunity to try good jasmine from Teavivre I found the learning to love it very easy.
Terri the first time I was around lavender was at the farmers market. It stopped my head up just walking near it. I fully expected an experience like your’s with this tea. Gmathis warned me to go easy. I did and it turned out well. I still find the scent is still too much. It is kind of funny – my first experience with cocoa nibs a few days ago was much less satisfying. I used too much.
I like “herbs de provence” with roasted chicken and potatoes—in reasonable proportions.