Posting this twice, once under each tea. I used, by volume, about equal portions of Teavivre Dehydrated Camellia with Single Origin Teas Idulgashinna Ceylon Green Organic. Camellia on its own reminds me of white peony. Idulgashinna is a unique green tea experience. I thought the two would compliment one another. I was right. The camellia really amplifies the leather notes of the Idulgashinna. At the same time the woodsy elements of the camellia shine as the cup cools. More experiments will definitely follow.
Bwahahaha… actually Angel tried to convince me to mix camellia with green tea a long time ago. Some day I will learn to listen.
The mad scientist at work I see…
Bwahahaha… actually Angel tried to convince me to mix camellia with green tea a long time ago. Some day I will learn to listen.
I have a big jar of puerh that I put all the samples I get in and shake it all together. Then I yell it’s alive and get the look from the better half!