6106 Tasting Notes


Haha, this is delicious! (Also it’s a sipdown, 822). Thanks to Sil and whoever sent this to her for letting me try it! It reminds me a lot of the Black Buckwheat tea that Sil brought back from China, all toasty and delicious (I see that it’s also buckwheat… so this shouldn’t be surprising!). I’m not getting burnt cheese toast from it, as some others were, just toasty roasty sweet deliciousness. I’d totally drink this again. In fact, if I found it in a local asian grocery, I’d totally buy it. So tasty. I’m hoping it lasts for the 3+ infusions that the other tea did.

ETA: Well… I infused it twice more, and both were tasty, but if I had to pick, I think I’d go with the black buckwheat tea. It just seems to retain a bit more flavour (dry tea:water ratio is a possible factor too). However, I’d happily take either if I found them!

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

Tasty brew!


Très interesting!

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drank Tropical Eyebrows by 52teas
6106 tasting notes

Hot-brewed and chilled some of this yesterday – the fruitiness (papaya and everything else) is really quite delicious, but I was finding a bit of a disconnect between the tea base and the fruitiness for whatever reason. They just weren’t seeming to mesh. Perhaps it’s the smokiness? I didn’t mind it warm, but am not sure I’m the hugest fan of it cold. I haven’t finished the whole cup though, so we’ll see if I end up changing my mind!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Smokey fruit tea? Interesting…

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Sipdown! 823.

Hot-brewed and chilled this one. The result was alright as iced tea – I was getting a bit of a Jolly Rancher watermelon flavour – but not stellar. I may re-steep the leaves today to see what they have left, but my hopes aren’t high. Overall, not a favourite.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Autumn Blend by The Tea Emporium
6106 tasting notes

Yum, still enjoying this one. I figured, if you average a spring and an autumn blend, you get summer – right? (Ok, really it was entirely unintentional that I selected two “seasonal” blends to brew up at the exact same time.) Anyhow, I didn’t really catch specific flavours this time (wasn’t paying attention), but I caught some caramelliness, which was quite tasty. Either way, the cup was consumed quickly, so it was obviously good!

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Pink Passionfruit by DAVIDsTEA
6106 tasting notes

Sipdown, 824.

Thanks for sending this along, Courtney! I figured it would be best cold, so hot-brewed & iced it (instead of a cold-brew, to ensure the hibiscus didn’t cause problems). The result? Deliciousness! Tons of passionfruit, minimal to zero hibiscus…. soooo delicious. I wonder if the boy would like this one?! It tastes exactly like juice :D Minus some sugar, though it’s certainly sweet in its own right.

Anyhow – this one’s great! Might pick up some more if I ever let myself make it over to DT (I really need to try some of the new blends before they’re gone!)

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Spring Blend by PureAromaTea
6106 tasting notes

A very interesting tea! To me, it’s very fruity, reminiscent of cherry blossom teas (with the juicy fruity taste, not overly floral), with a nice black base. I can see why this would be labelled a “spring” blend. It’s quite nice – better than I expected. I haven’t ever had bilberries before, so couldn’t say whether that’s what I’m tasting, or if it’s just a nondescript fruitiness that happens to come across as cherry-blossom-like… ah well, it’s good!

In response to Sil – I didn’t specifically notice an oily film, but I get one even with straight teas, so as long as there isn’t greasy sprinkle stuff on the edges of my cup, I don’t really pay attention. Every tea seems to leave something behind (except some fruity/herbal ones).

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Fireside S'mores Tea by Teaopia
6106 tasting notes

Thermos tea! Drank while camping. It tasted a bit funny, but I think I can safely blame the travel mug. Sigh.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Two Friends by Custom (Butiki)
6106 tasting notes

Ahhhh, so good. I always get at least 3 infusions out of these leaves – the flavour lingers forever! It’s so amazingly delicious.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Sipdown! 825.

So I possibly did a Bad Thing and used all 5(?) of the little bundles for one western-style infusion. I just couldn’t be bothered to do things gongfu style; yes, I’m lazy. However, this tea was pretty tasty regardless. I gave it a 1-minute infusion probably at about 90C, and the result was delicately jasminey and quite tasty. I really can’t tell you much more (other than it’s quite a delicious jasmine), but perhaps I can upon further infusions.

Thanks for letting me try some of this one Sil :)

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec

delicious. jasmine. two words not be used in the same sentence unless it’s with an accompanying “rice” :)


Haha :P

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drank Cinnamon Roll Honeybush by 52teas
6106 tasting notes

Sipdown! 826. Thanks to momo for a sample of this one :)

Since I received my own packet of this shortly after requesting a sample, I didn’t end up getting to this sample baggie until now… probably a year later. Oops. Concerned that this may not have aged well, I decided to hot/cold-brew it – BEST IDEA EVER. It was absolutely delicious. It took on a bit of a chai-ish flavour (52teas’ characteristic chai flavour, which I love), and was way better than I expected a cinnamon tea to taste cold. I felt like I was tasting the cinnamon bun frosting, kind of like with the French Toast tea – it seems that some of the flavourings come out better when the tea is chilled. Makes me want to try all my other 52teas cold!

Anyhow, I’d highly recommend a cold-brew of this one if you have some…. it’s pretty darn delicious. I’m starting to think that honeybush + chilling = winner (as long as the tea is good to begin with). Yum!

Iced 8 min or more
adagio breeze

Oh man I NEEEEEEEED to try this flavor. Fingers crossed Frank will reblend this one soon.


Oh I have one teaspoon left of this (also from Momo). I’ll have to try this one brewed like this.

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I have always been a tea fan (primarily herbals and Japanese greens/oolongs) but in the last year or so, tea has become increasingly more appealing as not only a delicious, calming drink, but as a relatively cheap, healthy reward or treat to give myself when I deserve something. I should clarify that, however; the reward is expanding my tea cupboard, not drinking tea – I place no restrictions on myself in terms of drinking anything from my cupboard as that would defeat my many goals!

My DavidsTea addiction was born in late 2011, despite having spent nearly a year intentionally avoiding their local mall location (but apparently it was just avoiding the inevitable!). I seem to have some desire to try every tea they’ve ever had, so much of my stash is from there, although I’ve recently branched out and ordered from numerous other companies.

I like to try and drink all my teas unaltered, as one of the main reasons I’m drinking tea other than for the flavour is to be healthy and increase my water intake without adding too many calories! I’ve found that the trick in this regard is to be very careful about steeping time, as most teas are quite pleasant to drink straight as long as they haven’t been oversteeped. However, I tend to be forgetful (particularly at work) when I don’t set a timer, resulting in a few horrors (The Earl’s Garden is not so pleasant after, say, 7+ minutes of steeping).

I’m currently trying to figure out which types of teas are my favourites. Herbals are no longer at the top; oolongs have thoroughly taken over that spot, with greens a reasonably close second. My preference is for straight versions of both, but I do love a good flavoured oolong (flavoured greens are really hit or miss for me). Herbals I do love iced/cold-brewed, but I drink few routinely (Mulberry Magic from DavidsTea being a notable exception). I’m learning to like straight black teas thanks to the chocolatey, malty, delicious Laoshan Black from Verdant Tea, and malty, caramelly flavoured blacks work for me, but I’m pretty picky about anything with astringency. Lately I’ve found red rooibos to be rather medicinal, which I dislike, but green rooibos and honeybush blends are tolerable. I haven’t explored pu’erh, mate, or guayasa a great deal (although I have a few options in my cupboard).

I’ve decided to institute a rating system so my ratings will be more consistent. Following the smiley/frowny faces Steepster gives us:

100: This tea is amazing and I will go out of my way to keep it in stock.

85-99: My core collection (or a tea that would be, if I was allowing myself to restock everything!) Teas I get cravings for, and drink often.

75-84: Good but not amazing; I might keep these in stock sparingly depending on current preferences.

67-74: Not bad, I’ll happily finish what I have but probably won’t ever buy it again as there’s likely something rated more highly that I prefer.

51-66: Drinkable and maybe has some aspect that I like, but not really worth picking up again.

34-50: Not for me, but I can see why others might like it. I’ll make it through the cup and maybe experiment with the rest to get rid of it.

0-33: It’s a struggle to get through the cup, if I do at all. I will not willingly consume this one again, and will attempt to get rid of the rest of the tea if I have any left.

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