Hrm. I could have sworn that I reviewed on here the cup of this that I got as a free tea from DT on… February 29? Or perhaps I wasn’t yet a Steepster at that point.
Anyhow, I first tried this in last year’s advent calendar, and thought I liked it, then had a bad experience with it from the store (it made me gag a bit, so I went back and had them add sweetener, and I still was gagging, and ended up pouring it out). I picked up a small bag of it to try out myself to see what the deal really was.
The aroma is fruity… but it’s a sort of fruitiness that doesn’t really agree with me. Like another tea reminded me of Mango Diablo (which I dislike), this one does too. I’m starting to wonder if I dislike DT’s dried mango… (is there mango in Long Life Oolong too??)
The flavour is kind of sweet-ish, and with a strange taste, which must be the green rooibos. It’s not as medicinal as the red can be, but still, I’m not really enjoying it here. Yeaaaah, this is not my cup of tea, at all, and as it’s unlikely to be an infusion problem, I’m going to have to attempt to get rid of the remainder of this one (a cup’s worth) through other means. Blecchh.
This tea does the same thing to me, maybe you’re right about DT dried mango… I ditched what I had left this summer in a cold brew, and that unpleasant after taste was still there!
It’s funny, because I adore dried mango as a snack. But there’s something in this blend, Mango Diablo, and Long Life Oolong that makes my stomach roil. And it can’t be a base tea, because they’re green rooibos, green tea, and an oxidized oolong, respectively (but I would have suspected flavouring of some sort anyhow).
I had a similar experience with this; tried it in-store for their free tea give away on February 29th, loved it, then bought some of my own to brew and it was just awful every time. Sometimes added sugar or agave helped, but more often than not it was just awful, no matter how long I steeped it. I like Mango Diablo and some of their other teas with dried mango, so I really wonder what it is with this tea.
Bleh. Oh well, it doesn’t really hurt me to encounter a tea I dislike! There are plenty I love :D And thankfully I only have one cup’s worth left, so I’m not stuck with a ton of something I hate. To be fair, I actually seem to remember my first cup of Mango Diablo being not terrible, and the reason I disliked it was because it tasted like bell peppers… but since then, I’m associating it with a flavour that just makes my stomach churn…
This tea does the same thing to me, maybe you’re right about DT dried mango… I ditched what I had left this summer in a cold brew, and that unpleasant after taste was still there!
It’s funny, because I adore dried mango as a snack. But there’s something in this blend, Mango Diablo, and Long Life Oolong that makes my stomach roil. And it can’t be a base tea, because they’re green rooibos, green tea, and an oxidized oolong, respectively (but I would have suspected flavouring of some sort anyhow).
I had a similar experience with this; tried it in-store for their free tea give away on February 29th, loved it, then bought some of my own to brew and it was just awful every time. Sometimes added sugar or agave helped, but more often than not it was just awful, no matter how long I steeped it. I like Mango Diablo and some of their other teas with dried mango, so I really wonder what it is with this tea.
Bleh. Oh well, it doesn’t really hurt me to encounter a tea I dislike! There are plenty I love :D And thankfully I only have one cup’s worth left, so I’m not stuck with a ton of something I hate. To be fair, I actually seem to remember my first cup of Mango Diablo being not terrible, and the reason I disliked it was because it tasted like bell peppers… but since then, I’m associating it with a flavour that just makes my stomach churn…