I picked up some Lupicia teas in the store last time I was in San Francisco. Probably the most delightful tea store I have ever been to, and if you’re ever near a Lupicia store, I’d highly recommend dropping by for a visit!
Momo was one of the teas I picked up during this trip. I figured I like peaches, and I love tea, why not try them together? I had a hot cup yesterday, and wasn’t particularly impressed. I detected a faint peach note aftertaste, but the black tea was predominant. I had also added a touch of rock sugar because I read that this brings out the peach flavor. Mostly tasted like those Japanese peach gummies, which I adore, but find strange to drink.
I decided to try it iced today, and boy, was that a treat! I have already had two large glasses, and imagine I probably won’t be sleeping much tonight. It is lovely on its own without sugar, and the peach note really sings when it is iced. Highly recommend it for the dog days of summer.