Started this morning with Mandala’s Golden Turtle. I prefer this in the afternoon more due to the tanginess. I’ve enjoyed this since I received it, and I decided to really focus, even got out my aroma cup hehe and see if I can taste/smell more than I usually do. I think my log is more one of laughing at myself, seriously. lol
I love reading the reviews of a certain tea, and then try to see if I can pick that taste out. I read an excellent review of it on the net and I couldn’t pick out some of the notes it mentioned: Vanilla, butterscotch, marshmallow. /cry lol. However, this lightly oxidized oolong, light to medium tightly rolled up green balls is a really good cup of tea. The wet leaves have a citrusy, tart aroma. The golden liquor has a crisp, smooth, and a slightly dry finish. It’s TGY-ish vegetal, tangy, citrusy, and some nutty notes. Recommended for TGY fans. I think you’d enjoy it if you like tangy and creamy smoothness. ^^
Porcelain gaiwan, ~195°F, 5g, 110ml, 9 steeps, 15s, 25s, 35s, 45s, 55s, 1m05s, 1m15s, 1m25s, 1m35s
Flavors: Citrusy, Nuts, Smooth, Sweet, Tangy, Vegetal
It’s good you can laugh at yourself :)
My favorite subject to laugh at lol. Ty for your great reviews, Derk, I enjoy them <3 and am in awe. :)