Again, as in for the second time. Already have an MA, now adding a graduate certificate in a more specialized field. It’s kind of necessary for my professional development/job security, but still… my ability to focus has diminished greatly in the past decade, as has my over-acheiverness (I can’t call it ambition.)
Again, as in for the second time. Already have an MA, now adding a graduate certificate in a more specialized field. It’s kind of necessary for my professional development/job security, but still… my ability to focus has diminished greatly in the past decade, as has my over-acheiverness (I can’t call it ambition.)
That’s a loooong time to have to study… poor thing.
By a decade, what I mean is that I was in grad school from 2003-2005, then from 2011-2013. Not sure how it’s taking me as long to get a 4-course certificate as it did to get a full MA, but I guess that’s where the lack of energy and focus come in…