1759 Tasting Notes

drank Decaf Muscat by Lupicia
1759 tasting notes

It seems this has picked up some of the scent from one of my other teas… so the taste/smell are a little muddled.
That said, I can still taste some of the muscatel notes and they are pretty good! drying like a Darjeeling but juicy like a grape.
I just wish the grape note came through a little more.
Thank you for the sample Bonnie!… I could see this one becoming a favourite

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Thank you so much for sharing this precious tea with me Azzrian!
It’s so… sweet!! I added NO sugar, but it really tastes like I did! Wow.
I love how light it is, and slippery. Yes this is very good tea!
When it is hot, I taste a jasminey sort of floral/fruity note along with the hay Azzrian mentions. It’s nice and crisp to, while the sweetness runs deep into the flavour, lingering long after the swallow.
At first, I wasn’t in love with this one but as it cooled… well sometimes love burns slow! ;)
Lately though, my affair with whites has cooled. There was a day when I was all over them. Now, as much as I do enjoy the occasional cup, it isn’t often I crave one.
I could make an exception for this though. Yup, I deem this the great white tea!!
On a side note, I love that the leaves are fuzzy. Like pussy willow! :P
Edit: after many sips, the sweetness seems to have built up in the aftertaste. I feel as if I’ve just downed a teaspoon of syrup. Oh my!! (I love you George Takei)
I wonder how this would fare iced…


Frisky with those White Tea’s! A love lost found again?


I have been very tempted by this lately!


Bonnie: I just tried a second steep. While still good it is heavier on the jasmine like flavour (obviously not jasmine because I didn’t react) but I am not a fan of that note. It fades somewhat as the tea cools but at that price I’d like to have a tea that resteeps well and I’m afraid of trying a third infusion now :/

Amy: oh it is so worth it!! very tasty, but as I said above… I’m not sure I can justify the cost for myself.


I have tried 3 of their white teas already and can’t justify buying anymore until I finish off what I have!


Oh you will find a way – you will :)


Where there is a tea, there is always a way Amy


I agree, you will figure it out Amy! :P


Talk to my credit card about that one – ha!

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Bonnie! you inspired me to have some delicious Lapsang Souchong with your review the other day! thank you for the sample. Deeelicous!
This is malty and smokey and just overall good. Mmmmmm.
With a sprinkle of sugar and some milk, this is my cup of “country home”.
I’m trying to figure out how it differs from my other lapsang experiences… and I think the main thing is that I feel like the leaves are not just smoked… but burnt. In a nice way!
Also, somehow, it tastes alot lighter… but rounder yet not as deep.
Mmmm. Thanks again Bonnie! xxx


I cannot get into Lapsang. Blech


yep, it’s definitely one of those love it or hate it teas! glad I am on the love side :P


Helps to try different kinds I have a mild blend.


me to. The Spice Exchange lapsang is very light, in the smokiness. Russian Caravan is lighter as well!


I definitely love lapsang! =) glad to be on the love side too (currently- my cup smells like sweet BBQ sauce)


bbq! oh yummmmm. getting hungry now!

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Thanks so much Kristaleyn for this sample!! I like it!
Though I do think the tea has been mislabeled. Caramel Chocolate would be more apt as both flavours are strongly present!
At the beginning of the sip, I taste chocolate syrup which quickly morphs into caramel. I notice alot of caramel on the swallow as well. There is some astringency but I only notice that in the aftertaste long after the sip is done.
The chocolate part, well I am very picky when it comes to my chocolate teas and this one comes off a smidge artificial tasting. but then, that’s just me. I feel the same way about chocolate milk!
Also, I see what Kristaleyn means about a woodsy note. I’ve seen it in caramel type things before… and given that caramel is pretty much burnt sugar, I am guessing that is where it comes from, the “burnt” aspect? That’s just a guess…


I definitely liked the chocolate flavour in this one, but only the second time I had it (when I brewed it correctly!) Can’t recall what else I thought, haha.


the second steep was much better. More caramel and less chocolate. Kindof pudding like!

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WOW. okay so this sample is from ages ago. How did I miss it?!
Thanks Jenn for sending me some to try!!

So drinking this naked, all I get is plain ol’ green tea. Bummer!!!
okay, adding sugar. Hang on…
Hmmm, yes I think I taste some Cheesecake notes. Faint, but there is something there! Like the aftertaste of a mouthful of delicious cheesecake. Oh yes, this is not bad!
Now that I only have a few sips left, there is a hint of cherry coming out as well. Cherries jubilee. Not the tart kind… more like the preserves.
Verdict: While I am quite enjoying this tea, I don’t really like that I had to add more than a teaspoon of sugar to get my flavour notes. I’m fine with adding a little pinch of sweetener, but after that I find teas to be a bit cloying and I end up super thirsty afterwards.
This makes me a bit sad because I love cherries and anything cherry flavoured (except medicine!)
I think there is enough to try this iced. Perhaps that will rock my world?

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drank Mayan Chocolate Chai by 52teas
1759 tasting notes

Chocolaaaate!!! (picture me saying braaaaains, but chocolate instead)
YUM! Thanks for the sample Kristaleyn, it was just what I needed yesterday! uhh, yes this is a backlog, the page wouldn’t load yesterday. Hmph.
Anyhow, I love how this looks like chocolate when dry, and then steeped? I definitely get some “tea”-ness. But… It was much lighter than I expected, a little thin for my liking.
Then I added some milk and agave. WELL. That brought it to a very tasty place!
Separating the cocoa and malty notes was a little confusing as the transition between them was seamless. I could barely tell where one ended and the other began!
Oh, and the spicy note? perfect! not too much, it was just the right amount of kick.
This will be on my list to order one day for sure!!

Dylan Oxford

I really liked this one… plus it’s a spicy tea that does it for both Missy and me :)


nice! it’s a very versatile option. I thought it would be similar to David’s Chocolate Chili Chai but somehow I find the profile really different.


Lighter than you expected?! Haha, perhaps I steep mine longer or use more tea. I gave you the remainder of my sample from Azzrian as that’s all I had left (now of course I have two whole packets). I also add milk and agave – it’s ok without, but so much better with. So delicious :D


I think I didn’t add enough “leaf”… I still have half a tsp left! but it was still soooo good!!!


Oh, that’s possible. I didn’t measure out what I gave you, so there easily could have been less than two cups worth. I’ve been tending to use 1.5tsp per cup like I do with everything, and I steep for 3 minutes, and it’s pretty good. I can always bring you some more later :)

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drank Bai Cui Mei by Teaopia
1759 tasting notes

Neat! A white… that tastes like a darjeeling/oolong!
It’s got a musky sort of drying finish, with the depth of an oolong and the crispness of a white. Amazing!! I’m not quite in love though… more like enchanted :)
Now the question is, do I buy a whole bunch before Teaopia dies? even though I have SO much in my cupboard as it is?
It resteeped well enough, but the profile didn’t change at all.. not even in the weakness/strength. Perhaps I’d get more notes using a Gawain?
Regardless, this is certainly a quality tea. Very smooth, very little astringency… and unique! Apparently, they added an extra step to the “white” processing, by bruising the leaves of Bai Mu Dan.


I would get more if you like it enough to regret not having it later.


Hmmm.Brainwave! I have a friend who works there. I’m thinking she might tip me off when the stock is about to run dry :P


AH HA moment! :)

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drank Pumpkin Chai by DAVIDsTEA
1759 tasting notes

I made this up as a latte today, hoping that I might fall in love… but alas, my hearts desire lies elsewhere!
It’s just… weak. and I still taste that uncooked pumpkin flavour. Bleh.
With milk, it actually tastes somewhat floral as well, but it’s that same pumpkin note I am picking up. Sugar didn’t help much either. Ah well, atleast I had a sipdown! :)

Daniel Scott

You know, I found this one disappointing too for ages, and then one day I made myself a cup and was blown away at how good it was! For me, I think it was the steep time. It definitely needs to be steeped longer, like 5 minutes at least.

Too bad you don’t like the pumpkin flavour!


That’s exactly how I felt after having the first cup of a regretful 100g purchase. Like an awkward blind date that you keep around for awhile cause he pays for everything, looks great on the outside but is sooo boring on the inside. Then you celebrate the day you finally get rid of him.

That was supposed to be a tea metaphor.


Daniel: I dunno how long I steeped it, maybe 3 min? It started to get a hair bitter so I took the strainer out.
Lindsay: Good to know I’m not the only one! and on the blind date thing… ha! tell me about it!!!
It feels so good to have purged this one :)


This is so much like Glitter & Gold for me! Minus some sweet.


Lindsay – that is great metaphor! I love it immensely!

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drank Parsley Tea by Seelect
1759 tasting notes

Wow. How refreshing!! I really need to try this iced. My first cup, I made hot as is usual for me, and it was oh so very satisfying. However in the summer, I think this will be a mainstay to keep me hydrated.
It tastes JUST like parsley, without any of that annoying roughness on the tongue that turns me off. Funny, I always thought I disliked the darn plant, but I just realized today that it’s the texture I abhore, not the taste! DUH!
It’s vegetal like, with a hint of pepper on the swallow and a general background of that “fresh water” note I get in tea sometimes. Kindof sweet tasting, but not really- almost the opposite of astringency. Okay I am not doing a very good job of explaining myself! Does anyone know what I mean?
Oh and the packaging says to add sugar or honey (if desired) but I really don’t see that happening except for maybe on a whim. It’s just great on it’s own!
My only regret is that it’s bagged. Ahhh!! that’s right, IndigoBloom needs to be put in the corner. She said a bad word :/


You like being a bad girl don’t you?!


Ehhh, parsley tea?! Does not appeal to me…


LOL what can I say… it’s good to be bad :P

Kristaleyn, I wouldn’t think of trying it myself…except it’s supposed to have some cleansing properties that do wonders :)


My first reaction to parsley tea was – yuck – but you are making it sound good!


I can send you a sample if you’d like :)


For a sec I thought that was directed at me, and I was all ‘nooooooo thanks!’ Haha. I mean, I’d try a sip if offered, and I like parsley in dips/salady things, but tea???
Although if it truly has some excellent cleansing properties, I could probably drink it for that reason.


ha, sorry I thought I had specified Indestrucible!
I had the same reaction as you Kristaleyn… but it’s surprisingly yummy


Oh! You totally did, I just missed the in-between message when reading from my emails :D Totally clear once I got here :P


I turned those off, so I always forget that other people get them haha


Thanks Indigobloom, I will send you my details!


cool, I will look for your email Indestructible! :)

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Not bad not bad, for a white.
Being that ginger is not my fave, I liked this much more than I had anticipated.
Overall, this tea is very light… however the flavours really pop, and yet they do not overtake the tea. Well done Tea Haus! you’ve created a white that lets you actually taste the “tea”!!
Unfortunately, it’s the ginger that rears up most, with peach following closely behind.
It’s that biting hot ginger to. Not the sweet/candied kind I sometimes find loaded into teas.
The peach aspect is lovely though. I think a plain white peach tea would be amazing. Maybe I can ask them to do a custom blend haha.
This is only a sample, but I have enough for another cup. Perhaps I’ll add some sugar to it and see if that brings out the juiciness a little!
Thank you Tea Haus, for the sample!

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Let’s see… I’m a tea and workout fanatic, I work in HR, and most of my friends consider me to be an egg. White on the outside, Asian on the inside :)
-from philosophy to food, I love it all
Otherwise, what you see is what you get! I can be very straightforward and yet shy.

Also, I’ve started taking tea sommelier classes and it is an absolute blast! Well, so far I’ve only finished the first out of eight courses, but I am really looking forward to the next one.

Anyhow, if your curious as to how I rate things, this is how I work…

Like eating dirt, or some other unsanitary indelicacy that mentioning in my profile here would likely get me banned.
I don’t think I’ve found cause to banish a tea to the wasteland yet though so who knows what it’d inspire ;P

You know that expression “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater”? I imagine drinking that water would be terrible enough to warrant this rating!
I’d never make my enemy drink this, but perhaps I’d throw it at them. Good thing I don’t have any enemies!

This is “tea”?? I tried finishing the cup… but my body rejected it. There may be others who enjoy this tea, but it’s beyond me!

I tried liking it, and I can almost get there! I certainly don’t hate it, but something is holding me back. Allergies? Men in white suits? who knows… certainly not me!

Lovely tea! Not my all time fave but close. I likely wouldn’t repurchase, but may decide to based on many factors: price, accessibility, whether it fills a “tea gap”, medicinal applications, and how often I crave it.
Every once in awhile I find the sweet spot that bumps these up to 90+. Those are the days I need to buy a lotto ticket!

Sweet Camellia! this is realllly good tea! Don’t talk to me until I’ve finished my cup…

Tea of the gods. I would do anything to get my hands on more of this liquid gold!


Toronto (Mississauga, but I work in TO)



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