169 Tasting Notes
In other words, my family was here.
They also pried in my cupboards and were constantly asking me why I was hoarding so much tea. (long, agonizing sigh inserted here)
But, now here I sit, in a house that is too quiet, both sad and relieved at the same time.
I shared my tea with my family, especially my father who actually does drink tea and he liked almost all the teas I shared with him.
Some of my other family, spat out or wrinkled their noses or gagged at the teas I so generously shared from my “hoard”.
This tea arrived, unfortunately, while they were here.
Comments were made about how I had bought MORE tea while I clearly had too much already.
Anyway, I actually ordered loose tea, but this arrived in the their little muslin baggies.
I could have made a fuss, and returned it.
But, I have wanted to try this flavor and brand for so long now, that I just swallowed the extra expense and opened and have been quickly sneaking a cup while the company was here.
I did not want to share this tea, since I spent so much and there is only 20 little muslin baggies in the box.
But, now here I sit, in my empty house, drinking it out in the open, and once again visiting with my understanding friends on Steepster.
I have missed you all!
For some reason, I was expecting this tea to be a bit bolder, instead it is a very elegant Earl Grey.
The delicately blended citrus makes it feel worthy of a real proper tea party.
I think I was expecting this tea to blow me out of the water and totally wow me.
Instead it fells like it is gently reprimanding me and tell me to cross my ankles and sit like a lady.
I like that though.
Especially since I am missing my Mother more than I would like to admit.
This tea is Quirky.
I have had Genmaicha Tea before, but a long time ago.
I remember that tea tasted like popcorn.
This tea has a lot more going on.
Dry leaves smell like fresh cut hay drying in the sun.
As soon as the water hits it I am overwhelmed with childhood memories of saying to my mother “Mumsy, can I have a snack?” and then to be handed a Rice Cake.(You all remember Rice Cakes? For some reason in the early 90’s they were the latest health craze and my Mother was all about them)
So, A Rice Cake Nose with a bit of that grassy hay smell too.
Then taste!
Well,A Rice Cake covered in Salty Seaweed comes to mind.(not that my mother served this to me as a child)
A little bit of popcorn at the back of the tongue.
You might think after that sort of review that I will rate this low.
Well, you would be wrong.
I said the tea was quirky, and so am I.
I like it.
Brewed in my Bodum.
Very pale greenish yellow in color.
The flavors only stay strong for a couple of infusions.
No, I have not.
This is the first Genmaicha I have tried probably in ten years…and I am not even sure what brand that tea was.
Is that your favorite, Azzrian?
I know you like Genmaicha’s.
Do you ever buy a tea and you are just so sure that you will adore it, but then when you drink it your feelings are hurt that you are not madly in love with it?
I was so sure that I would be just as mad about this tea as I am with Paris.
I am not.
However, it IS a good tea and I do like it.
I have a feeling that I did this to the poor tea, my expectations were too high.
I just wanted to love it too much.
Deep Sigh
The nose on this tea is strong.
Almost like its trying to make sure you know it has chocolate in it.
But, the taste it better, it is a smooth tea and I do like the taste.
You really can not identify the black tea in there though.
I drank this as is, no sugar or cream/milk.
I did not want to mask what tea taste that was there.
I can see making this tea for company who do not drink much tea normally, it would be unoffensive to them, unless they do not like chocolate.
Now, I do like some Chocolate Teas.
And this tea is not terrible, we just are going to be friends though, instead of lovers.
I have some of this tea cold brewing, so I will return with a update on how this tea holds up to that.
Well, my opinion has not really changed in drinking it cold brewed.
It makes an all right iced tea, but I probably will not be cold brew it again.
As long as I think of this as a hazelnut tea, I like it. I agree that the chocolate is a little light.
I think a bit of milk/cream and sugar does bring the flavor out more in this one. But, I’ve never managed to get it to taste as chocolately as when I first drank a whole pot of it myself at a teahouse dinner.
This tea is lovely!
I almost did not get it.
It was an afterthought as I was finishing up the order, I thought “Hmmm,well, I guess this tea might be good for cold brewing this summer” and added it to the order.
I have not even tried it cold brewed yet, I have been enjoying it to much hot.
Opening the tin (a tin I placed the tea in, the teas come nicely packed in bag and box, but for long storage transferring to a tin is best:) is a treat.
Now, it is fruity, but not sugary candy like fruit, I would say it is more sophisticated than that.
Its dry leaf smells of a lovely Ceylon, than a Smokey Tropical Fruit.
Add water and inhale and it becomes even bolder!
This dark amber brew is a good Ceylon, nice and bright, but add the Mango and again that underlying smokiness to this tea and it is a delight!
The mouth has a bit of tang on the back of the tongue.
The Mango is very soft, kind of in the background, but not overpowering the Ceylon at all.
Sniffing the infuser basket of wet leaves and you can really smell the Mango, and again not overpowering or ultra sweet, just like you had cut open a fresh mango.
I will return to let you all know how it is cold brewed, but for now, I think I shall sit on the Veranda (the back porch) and pretend I am someplace exotic while sipping this tea.
This tea is delicious cold brewed.
Very Refreshing and thirst quenching.
The Mango has become slightly more pronounced, which I like for a ice tea.
Tea of the morning for me.
For some reason, as soon as I awoke, I knew I wanted this tea.
A dark amber brew with a nice rounded flavor.
There is a bit of Smoke and Leather to this tea that I really enjoy.
The tea is almost Manly.
It is Strong without being harsh, it satisfies with simplicity and it knows how to wake me up in the morning….everything a girl is looking for in a Man…Er, In a TEA, yes in a tea;)
Brewed in my Bodum.
The first two infusions stay about the same, after that it starts getting milder.
It was drank without milk or sweetener (how I drink most all my teas)
My final sample from my latest H&S order.
I like Mint.
I like herbal Mint teas, I like Mint gum and I certainly like Mint Juleps.
However, Mint in my green tea…eh, I have found that it seems to take over and you can not even taste the green tea.
So, in the past, Never been a fan.
I see others who reviewed this tea said that this tea was not Minty enough.
For me, it was about right.
I can smell the green tea and the mint.
I can taste the green tea and mint.
But, neither over power the other.
Am I converted to drinking Mint Green Tea all the time.
I still see the two as separate occasion teas, but, if I were in the mood for a Mint Green Tea, it would be this tea.
I think they got the blend just about right.
The Tea is a lovely golden blond color.
Another tea that I think would be nice to try cold brewed.
Another sample that I received in my latest H&S’s order.
When I first opened up the little packet, and took a big whiff, I became very frightened.
It had a very strong and overly sweet odor.
Almost candy-like.
I could not identify any Oolong odor at this point.
Then I added the water.
And immediately sighed with relief, the Pomegranate mellowed and out emerged a nice earthy Oolong.
The Tea is a lovely golden color.
I think if I had more then just a sample, I would try this Tea cold-brewed.
Overall, This is a nice fruity Oolong.
This is a sample I received in my latest Harney and Sons order.
I am going take a second to thank all the tea companies for giving out samples.
I just think it is awesome.
It seems like 10-15 years ago when my Father first got into teas, it was not a common thing, so I am always pleasantly surprised when I do get some in a box.
On to Dragon Pearl Jasmine.
Which is my VERY first introduction to a Dragon Pearl Jasmine.
I must say when I opened the box, and saw this sample, I was so excited!
I have been wanting to try it since I came onto Steepster.
It seems to be a tea that either you really like it or you don’t.
Well, from the moment I opened the little sachet packet, it was like I bumped into a dear old friend.
I wore Jasmine perfume when I was younger and used a LUSH soap that smelled just like this tea.
I felt like I was young again!
Which is quite a feat since yesterday was my birthday and I am suffering from slight heat stroke today (playing too much in the sun on the water) and general feelings of ancient-ness creeping up on me.
If the smell was not enough to win you on this tea, the taste will.
Imagine a Jasmine flower with honey dripping off it…Yeah, thats how it tastes.
So, Harney and Sons, Thank you for the sample.
So, Steepster Friends, Thank you for introducing me to a tea that I had not even heard of before.
And thank you,Dragon Pearl Jasmine Tea, for making me feel young again…if not for a few minutes:)
I used SimplyJen’s recommendations for brewing this tea, since my little packet did not have any on it.
I think it was spot on Jen!
Thank you, Ladies!
I wanted to add that this was a Sachet sample, but I have got 2 steepings out of it.I am trying a third as I type this…I pretty sure I am pushing it, but I just do not want to let it go!
I want to keep drinking it…..
It really didn’t :(
It is only really good for two steepings.
But, oh how lovely those two steepings were…
The first jasmine tea I had was terrible, then I tried Teavivre’s Jasmine Dragon Pealrs and fell in love. Two people who have had it with me made me order them some RIGHT AWAY! I want to try the Harney offering, too. I hear raves about it.
I can certainly understand their RIGHT AWAY response.
I had only had a few sips, and I was looking this tea up on their website and pondering their express shipping.
Which, I refrained from since the tea itself is not cheap (which is something I am realizing with all Dragon Pearl Jasmines,)
Apparently, this is a tea that I must not drink by the gallons…at least until I become a millionaire, that is.
Revel in your ancientness ;) (Scary when you start to discover you’re supposed to be the older, wiser one!)
I bought this tea in one of Harney’s Tagalong tins.
Just finished a cup with breakfast.
It is good, basically it makes me think of a cross between their Paris Tea and a Earl Grey(which are both flavors that I like)but with a small touch of honey.
It is, of course, a sachet not loose.
I wish it was offered in loose because I think I would have made it a bit stronger.
I enjoy this tea, but there is other Teas H&S offer that I love even more.
This is a great brewing pitcher, especially for cold brewing.
Its very well made, and I like the fact that the infuser screws right into the lid.
It fits nicely into my fridge and makes the cold brewing process (which I am new to) very easy.
The only downfall would be if you only wanted to make 1/2 a pitcher, because the infuser does not reach to the bottom.
oh – those pesky family members. ;-)
I have a love-hate relationship with people visiting as well. So much work to do before and during their visit, but I look forward to the calmness when they leave! At least you had a new tea to brighten your day! :)
One of the things I like about Kusmi teas are how delicate and subtle they are. I’m now reminded that I want to try their violet black tea but have not gotten around to it. They have the most beauteous tins, too :)
Violet black?! WANT!
ashmanra http://us.kusmitea.com/our-teas/flavoured-tea/violet.html?q=violet (eeee!)
Oooo! that flavor sounds so decadent!
Mixed emotions are difficult I know. It will get better.
Glad you are back! I love your description of this tea. It is a very proper tea! I have a little tin of it from the Russian sampler.
I loved your review! So redolent…of life!