My final sample from my latest H&S order.
I like Mint.
I like herbal Mint teas, I like Mint gum and I certainly like Mint Juleps.
However, Mint in my green tea…eh, I have found that it seems to take over and you can not even taste the green tea.
So, in the past, Never been a fan.
I see others who reviewed this tea said that this tea was not Minty enough.
For me, it was about right.
I can smell the green tea and the mint.
I can taste the green tea and mint.
But, neither over power the other.
Am I converted to drinking Mint Green Tea all the time.
I still see the two as separate occasion teas, but, if I were in the mood for a Mint Green Tea, it would be this tea.
I think they got the blend just about right.
The Tea is a lovely golden blond color.
Another tea that I think would be nice to try cold brewed.