There’s spring rain and then there’s wet, damp, chill-you-inside-out spring rain. The latter was the order of the day. I had to go back out in it after church (volunteer day: kids made a Cinco De Mayo meal at our local Ronald McDonald House) and needed to preheat myself a little.
This fit the bill nicely. Could drink a bathtub-sized mug without a caffeine buzz that will keep me up tonight. Usually with genmaicha, the only thing I notice is the “popcorn,” but this has a nice toasty, grassy green tea base as well. (My first review of the same tea added “spinachy” to the description, but it’s getting a little old; the edge must have worn off a bit.)
Rain off and on all day here. A bit yesterday and more coming tomorrow. I am grateful as the sod and garden are watered and the rain barrels are full!