251 Tasting Notes

drank Four Seasons by Samovar
251 tasting notes

I did wait a bit before I gave this one a try. It’s just as good as everyone claims it is, and you can resteep it at least 3 times without losing anything. If you like oolong, this is something you should try! I don’t think it will become a staple because I’m such a huge fan of flavored teas, but this is really, really good.

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drank Pu-erh Vanilla Mint by Rishi Tea
251 tasting notes

Brewed some in my gravity-type infuser from Teavana. It’s a nice minty treat, especially with a little vanilla soy creamer added to kick the vanilla up just a notch. I need to drink this more often.

And I need to try some on ice. Maybe as an iced tea latte or an ice cream float.

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I had this last night to celebrate finishing off some grading. (And I still was able to go to sleep, so that either tells you something about how tired I am, how little caffeine this tea has, or a combination of those two.) This tea has a very strong jasmine flavor. It is a pearl tea, so it’s fun to watch in a glass mug. After it unfurls, you’ll see the tea buds. It brews up to a light yellow liquid. (Yeah, that’s what it reminds me of, too.) It’s wonderful hot and the flavor transforms some as it cools. I really enjoy this one. It’s fun to brew, fun to drink. Not something that I reach for everyday, but definitely good.

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drank Coconut Cream Pie by 52teas
251 tasting notes

This is so good with just a touch of soy creamer and sweetener. This morning, it’s like having dessert for breakfast. Just what I needed after last night’s grading marathon.

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drank Mint Green Tea by Twinings
251 tasting notes

It’s mint in a tea bag. Simple, easy and good when you need it. Not something I’d walk 1000 miles for, but just simply good.

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drank Vanilla Mint by Golden Moon Tea
251 tasting notes

I made a big pitcher of this last night to drink iced. (Hot brewed, poured over ice.) It is a really good iced tea! I can’t decide if I like this tea better iced or hot, but either way, it’s a winner!

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I finished this one off today making a thermos of tea to take to work. Definitely worth a try. I’ll probably reorder this one at some point, it has a nice refreshing apple flavor. I like the yuzu and the grapefruit better, but this is good when you are in the mood for some apple.

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drank Grapefruit Green by Lupicia
251 tasting notes

I just opened this today. I’m having it hot with a touch of sweetener. It’s really good. No bitterness, but a nice green taste with a touch of grapefruit. I can’t decide if I like this one or the Yuzu Green better. They are both delicious and definitely taste different from each other.

This is a good candidate for cold brewing, and this weekend when it is supposed to warm up some again, I’ll be giving that a try.

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drank Orange U Slim by Teas Etc
251 tasting notes

I’m trying to play catch up today. I finished off my tin of this making a cold brewed iced tea. It’s quite good cold brewed, no trace of bitterness and just a hint of orange. I’m definitely going to buy some more of this tea, I think I miss it already! I brewed it overnight in the fridge.

Iced 5 min, 45 sec

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This is an interesting tea. When I requested my sample, I thought it would have bergamot added to it, but after I did some reading, I realized that this tea has a citrusy flavor and aroma on its own. It doesn’t have that kind of Earl Grey slap in the face bergamot that I love so much, so don’t compare it to an Earl Grey. It has a citrusy aroma and a green refreshing taste. It’s a grassy kind of flavor. It reminds me of picking citrus on an unseasonably warm day in February. You’re not eating the fruit, but you know it’s there.

I’m having a little trouble explaining this tea, but I’m enjoying my sample a lot.

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA 15 years ago

Have you tried your other samples yet? Mine came on Thursday but I haven’t tried them yet. The Spring Yunnan Green and two surprise samples.

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I’m a high school chemistry teacher. I enjoy most types of teas. I don’t have any tea shops in my hometown, so I usually order my teas online. Even though I’ve drunk tea for quite a number of years, ordering online for about 15 years, I am far from a tea expert. I just know what I like.



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