Dried apricots, lemon juice, the liquid from canned mandrin oranges. Minerals. Cured tangerine rind.

It doesn’t smell very impressive when it’s dry—just like a standard inexpensive Dan Cong, really—but wet the leaves with hot water and the aroma is an explosion of stone fruits. Dehydrated apricot, nectarine, peach pulp. A 5 second rinse tastes sweet and viscous with nectarine juice, and a 10 second steep is a delightful peachy hue with a heavy mandrin orange taste. Another 10 seconds and the sweetness morphs into the light tang of lemon juice. Step up to 15 and you get tangerine rind in the mix. A bit longer still, and the taste is eerily similar to a tangelo. Longer, and it’s orange and lemon droplets squeezed into a mineralic rock oolong. Go beyond that and you have a dry floral with a bite. It doesn’t even taste like tea until the 6th infusion. Not one of those “squint really hard after taking a sip and maybe you’ll find some flavor notes” teas. It genuinely tastes like citrus.

Haven’t been on Steepster in a bit, hauled around 1500 pounds of 4-inch electrical conduit into a ditch today and glued it together, my clothes are covered in dirt and sand, there’s concrete in my hair, and I still haven’t showered. However, this tea is so dang good that it reserved a rating right after finishing it. This is easily my new favorite and I’m going to covet my remaining 21 grams.

Flavors: Apricot, Lemon, Mineral, Nectar, Orange, Orange Blossom, Orange Zest, Peach, Tangy

195 °F / 90 °C 4 g 36 OZ / 1064 ML
Roswell Strange 5 years ago

Well hot damn, onto the wishlist it goes.

Eelong 5 years ago

It’s a phenomenal tea. Get some next time you order from YS!

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Roswell Strange 5 years ago

Well hot damn, onto the wishlist it goes.

Eelong 5 years ago

It’s a phenomenal tea. Get some next time you order from YS!

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Eel and tea lover. Big fan of dark oolongs, Nepal blacks, and fruity herbals. I occasionally make the terrible mistake of trying weird teas and then spend a good 5 minutes scrubbing my tongue with a toothbrush trying to get the taste out of my mouth.

100: Downright addictive.
95+: A definite favorite. This is something I’ll reach for again when I want something special.
90-95: I’d drink this again without question. There’s probably 4 ounces of it sitting by the tea kettle.
80-89: I’m glad I tried this and I’ll happily drink through the rest of the pouch. Might not be on the reorder list, though.
60-79: This is either mediocre and acceptable or I hate it and don’t want to skew the rating.
40-59: Uh, this is drinkable. Probably.
20-39: We’re entering the abyss. Here lies danger.
1-19: Please take me out if I ever try to brew this one again.

If I’ve recently reviewed something that you’d like to try, let me know! I usually buy teas in 25 gram samples and have extra to pass around.



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