I didn’t get much sleep last night. The apartment was shaking all night from passing busses and the old elevator. Some nights the shaking, vibrations and rattling are worse than others or maybe I’m just on edge. Anyway, I’m tired and lying in the sun on a patch of dying grass with yellow jackets on the last days of their prowl before most of them die off when the colder weather comes. They’re fierce this time of year. I swear I had some PTSD from mindlessly sticking my hand in the entrance to their ground nest while working on a crumbling mountainside. I had no time to think and no option to get away from the emerging death-swarm besides literally throwing myself several hundred feet down a steep grade I had no traction on and then side-hilling it for another 60 ft. I still did not come out unscathed. I had to stop work for the day and lock myself in the work van because those duckers track you with pheromones in their venom.
But genmaicha and lack of sleep make me not care about about their current buzzings around me. Heck, I’m rambling.
First tea of the day at 2pm. Genmaicha == comfort. This teabag is stuffed full of chopped toasted rice and sencha. I tore open the spent bag to check out the ratio and it’s about 50% of both. It looks like tabouli. So it’s a little heavy on the rice imo but it’s very fresh in aroma and taste which makes up for the heavy toastiness. A mellow yellow-green, smooth brew that’s obviously savory, a little sweet, a little seaweedy, a little minerally. No issue at all with bitterness using 1 teabag steeped for 3-4 minutes in 16oz of unknown temp hot water. I’m finding it very satisfying at the moment. I would definitely buy a box.
Nasty rascals. Got popped over 20 times by them one year. Gasoline or brake cleaner are my tools of choice for extermination.
Mmm, genmaicha.
There is an abandoned car at my apartments right next to where me and the tenant above me park, and wasps nest in the door of the thing. Makes me so darn paranoid. I wish they’d just get rid of it, but some tenant either on the other side of our building or one of the other buildings “owns” it and just leaves it there, unused, for all eternity, so now its their home. They die out/hibernat in the cold weather, but always come back as soon as the weather turns.
I had all kinds of devious plans in my head to rid the car of wasps but they involve fire and possibly destruction of property. You should find out who owns the car then hang some of these near their front door:
Nasty rascals. Got popped over 20 times by them one year. Gasoline or brake cleaner are my tools of choice for extermination.
You get to have all the fun on the east coast.
Mmm, genmaicha.
There is an abandoned car at my apartments right next to where me and the tenant above me park, and wasps nest in the door of the thing. Makes me so darn paranoid. I wish they’d just get rid of it, but some tenant either on the other side of our building or one of the other buildings “owns” it and just leaves it there, unused, for all eternity, so now its their home. They die out/hibernat in the cold weather, but always come back as soon as the weather turns.
I had all kinds of devious plans in my head to rid the car of wasps but they involve fire and possibly destruction of property. You should find out who owns the car then hang some of these near their front door: