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drank Dong Ding by thepuriTea
4188 tasting notes

This is from a while back — I bought a few samples from them when they were going out of business. Yes, I’m just trying it now. I’m trying to get to know my tea collection better for possible teabox or sale/swap pile possibilities! It’s a pity because this oolong is really good.

Steep #1 // 2 tsps // rinse // 17 min after boiling // 2 min
Though they suggested 180 degrees, my favorite oolong in the past was steeped using just boiled water, so I didn’t want to wait too long. I think I’ve just recently started with this type of oolong and they seem to be a little like ti guan yin, but a little bit different. Flavor notes here: pineapple, sugar, something that reminds me of licorice but doesn’t make it weird. Super smooth and very tasty!

Steep #2 // few minutes after boiling // 2 min
This cup was too bitter. I think the ideal steeping was the last cup. Oolong steeping is too tough to figure out! The leaves here look exactly like the Teavivre Ti Guan Yin but it steeps so differently. This one wasn’t undrinkable but the bitterness killed it. I probably didn’t need to use two teaspoons either.

Steep #3 // 22 min after boiling // 2 min
Still a hint of bitterness, probably because I only steeped half a mug this time. I don’t have enough leaves to ruin this nice oolong! The first cup was delicious though.

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drank Roasted Dong Ding by thepuriTea
168 tasting notes

Smells like toasty sweetness and the taste reminds me of the bags of honey roasted peanuts I always buy whenever I go into the city. An enjoyable cup

Flavors: Honey, Nuts, Roasted Barley

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Gunpowder by thepuriTea
1379 tasting notes

This has been on my ‘need to review’ list for a while and it would make a good comparison steep against my previous review which was also a Gunpowder Green.

In appearance this looks similar to a Lan Gui Ren rather than Gunpowder Green. The grainy rock style effect is not a type I have seen before with Gunpowder Green. Scent is sweet, floral and grassy. Has an earthy tone however but it’s hard to define.

For the sake of comparison I will use the same steeping parameters as my previous Gunpowder Green which was taken from Teavivre.

Water : 3oz / 85ml 203℉ / 95℃
Use 7 Grams Tea
6 steeps : rinse,10s,25s,40s,50s,70s,90s
Rinsing time is around 3 seconds

First Steep – 10 seconds
Light green liquid with a a subtle sweet, floral scent. Flavour is gentle and floral with a sweet after taste.

Second Steep – 25 seconds
I can taste something sweet and refreshing…is that ginseng? Is this Gunpowder Green with ginseng? If not it is a very good imitation. Very sweet and lingering in the after taste.

Third Steep – 40 seconds
Strongly ginseng/mint like still. No astringency at all. Very sweet with hints of smoke.

Fourth Steep – 50 seconds
Toasty, honeyed, highly ginseng and sweet. My mouth is wonderfully perfumed with this sweet lingering smoky flavour.

Fifth Steep – 70 seconds
Milder but still ginseng heavy.Not mint so much now as maybe clove, same refreshing feel. Also grassy.

Sixth Steep – 90 seconds
Very light in strength of the green tea but the ginseng remains thick and heavy. Toasty and super sweet.

This was unlike any other Gunpowder Green I have ever tried, it tasted and looked exactly like Ginseng Oolong which I like but need to be in the right mood for. Now I’m just highly confused, is this a mixed blend? Or was the ginseng flavour just a coincidence? Either way it was enjoyable and my husband agrees.

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drank Milk Oolong by thepuriTea
518 tasting notes

Delicious. I’m pseudo gongfuing this one at work. It’s definitely been a Monday. Good tea really helps with that, but only to a point.

The weekend was long and I was barely on here. Friday night was summer beer fest, Saturday was Soundgarden/NIN, and Sunday I wound up going to a funeral in central IN. I had to drive my mom’s awful to drive car home through some storms. It was not fun.

I’m just about out of clean laundry. I was supposed to do that on Sunday but it obviously didn’t happen. Hopefully I will be able to get at least some done tonight or I’ll be coming to work naked in a couple of days.


Friday and Saturday sound awesome. I’m sorry for your loss, and I’m glad you made it through the storms. It rained for hours here. I would have hated to be driving!

I hope things work out with the laundry. They get really mad at my workplace when people show up naked. I’m assuming yours is the same way.


Thank you for the laugh at the idea of knowing that they get mad at your workplace about naked employees. I don’t think that it will come to that. I might just skip the gym so I have time to run a few loads of laundry before bed.


Oh man…soundgarden and NIN on the same night…awesome!

So sorry for your loss though…hope you can recuperate a little next week end :-)

And sars…you Are fooney!!!


TTF it was an amazing show. If it comes to your area, I highly recommend it.




too bad you didn’t get to see Death Grips though, their live show is the stuff of legends apparently.


I saw NIN back in the day. Like way, way back in the day. :p


nice!!! pretty hate machine is the only album by them that I truly enjoy. though I used to be a huge KMFDM and Skinny Puppy fan.

hippiechick 42

How does one pseudo gongfu? lol


I saw KMFDM back in the day. Like way, way back in the day. 3 times. Never saw SP, but they are touring now!


thats v cool! they were great from like 88-95 but then they fell off. im not really into industrial anymore though.


hippiechick: don’t even bother, just buy a gaiwan.


My “pseudo gongfu” is my lazy way of doing it. I use a small glass with an infusion basket, so I’m not trying to pour anything more than into the cup at my desk. I’m notoriously clumsy. Last time I used a gaiwan, I spilled everywhere. I also don’t really have room at my desk for a full set or anything. This works for me and keeps me in tea the way I like it while I’m working, which keeps me happier. It’s a win-win for me. Yes, a gaiwan would be more authentic, but this suits my needs.


It’s the first time I’ve seen NIN, surprisingly, but the one show I thought I was going to get to go to, my friend’s father’s funeral was that day. I opted to spend the day with her instead, which in the end was definitely the better choice. Then I wasn’t really into NIN so much anymore. My husband surprised me with these tickets and we had a blast.


good on you for spending time with your friend, that’s a great thing for you to do. glad to hear you got to go to the NIN show as well. did you see Oneohtrix Point Never play as well?


I told my BF that I want the SP tix for our already passed anniversary. I think he’s in.


I didn’t know who Oneohtrix Point Never was, but yeah, I saw that part, although we were actually sitting out on the lawn with friends during his set. It was quite nice. I have added the newest album to my queue to listen to at work tomorrow.


OPN is easily one of my favorite artists. R Plus Seven is a bit strange at first, though all of his work is. Maybe you should jump in with Replica first and then listen to R Plus Seven. R Plus Seven took me a while to like.


And Sarsonator, that’s awesome! Hope you get to see them!


I’ve added both OPN albums to the queue for tomorrow. Thanks!

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drank Milk Oolong by thepuriTea
518 tasting notes


This is the first milk oolong I’ve had, and I quite like it, even though I’m guessing it’s pretty old. Too bad it’s no longer available, or I’d be getting some of this. I like it that much.

Can anyone recommend something similar?

This is quite green but creamy. It does almost taste as if it has milk in it. It’s got a really nice vegetable flavor and aroma. And I really like the aftertaste, too.

I’ve gotten two infusions from it (western style!) and I’m going to try for a third.

First day back at work after being sick for most of a week and then gone on vacation, so not really time to write more.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 15 OZ / 443 ML

Cheri, I’ve never had this particular MO, but have had tons of other milk oolong and so far, my favourite is from Mandala. I also like Teavivre’s a lot, but Mandala is in a class of their own IMO. My dear European friend Ysaurella swears by Theodor’s MO. I suggest you try some milk scented and non scented to figure out if you like the bold buttery creamy taste or prefer a more floral vegetal sweet natural taste.


Thanks! I’ll have to get some samples from places….or find someone who is selling from their stash.

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drank White Peony by thepuriTea
2816 tasting notes

Back from the PT- I was really put through the wringer today and was wondering if I’d even be able to move when I got home. I know I need to do this for my long term benefit but it still hurts!

Anyway enough whining for now. I received a sample of this from thePuritea shortly before they went out of business. I had been wondering if I forgot to rinse my dishes properly because something smells slightly “chemically” when I hold my nose up to the cup.

Steeping this for 3 minutes produced a dark yellow clear tea liquor. As far as flavor is concerned it is definitely on the mild side and good for a relaxing moment. As the cup cools I am getting the woody notes along with some nutty ones and peach. The finish is a bit sweet on your tongue. I don’t know that much about white teas but this seems very soothing to me. Perhaps I should look into stocking a white peony?

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Red Robe by thepuriTea
592 tasting notes

Sipdown (123)! Today didn’t start off so great, so I needed a tea that I knew I could rely on! I remembered this one fondly from last time, so I steeped up the rest of what I had. It’s nice and roasty but sweet. It also leaves a bit of a rich aftertaste. Anyway, I will be resteeping the heck out of these leaves because I’m sad to see it go. Thanks again to Kat_Maria for letting me try it out!

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drank Red Robe by thepuriTea
592 tasting notes

A short tasting note this morning. First, thanks to Kat_Maria for including this in our swap! I love roasty oolongs and this tea definitely brings the roasted flavor without being too intense. Resteeps were a bit weak, but still delicious.

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drank Golden Yunnan by thepuriTea
105 tasting notes

This was my first experience with this type of black tea, and probably won’t be my last. Smooth, sweet, honey flavor, with a bit of astringency that lingers. Loved. it.

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drank Ceylon #1 by thepuriTea
4188 tasting notes

I got a sample of this with the samples I bought for their out-of-business sale. I don’t know what trying them was going to do! Ah well. This has to be one of the best ceylons out there. It’s more like a lighter Laoshan Black! Very similar flavor profiles. A bit malty, chocolatey, sweet potatoey… not a tough black tea. Very tasty… but again, because it is like Laoshan Black and a Ceylon… it’s still not really a favorite black tea. The second cup was boring, even though the first cup was steeped at a lower temp. Not enough flavor! hmm. I’m happy Vikings is back! Adagio Rollo and Floki blends need to happen!

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drank Dan Cong by thepuriTea
592 tasting notes

Thanks to Kat_Maria for a sample of this in our swap! I can’t figure out dan cong oolongs. I know they’re supposed to have some kind of fruity taste, but all I can taste is a robustness that reminds me of English Breakfast teas and some pepperiness. Well, even if my taste buds are broken, I really enjoyed this tea. I think it would be nice for mornings when I don’t want a black tea, but still want something strong.

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drank Ti Kuan Yin by thepuriTea
218 tasting notes

So this is a SIPDOWN! I’ve been sipping teas down like crazy recently, and replenishing my little tins with new ones, the ones that have been sitting in a tote waiting for their turn…

Also, the weekend that was supposed to be off, the weekend I thought would be my New Teas and a Bazillion Tasting Notes weekend – and the weekend that JUST passed, was spent mostly at work instead. Oh well, that only means there will be more money next paycheck FOR TEAS, right?

I am now taking a break from spring cleaning of my clothes wardrobe & totes (daunting task!) and making a list of teas that I want to send in a swap…

And yes, the tea is really good. It resteeps nicely up to 3 times western-style. It seems to taste more flowery than vegetal this time around. And I absolutely love the leaves of this oolong, they are always almost neon green. Even more so after they are steeped.

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drank Ti Kuan Yin by thepuriTea
218 tasting notes

Apparently, I have never reviewed this tea before. It’s good I caught that fact since I only have a single-serving of it left now.

Right this moment I am squeezing (metaphorically!) a third steeping out of it. It has a divine vegetal-floral aroma and tastes like some milk-textured vegetable drink. I detect a lot of oolongy sweetness that I have learned to love. But yeah, it makes me feel like a goat eating a bouquet of flowers and broccoli-asparagus-celery medley. I never would have thought I would dig such a combination but I do.

It is my first Ti Kuan Yin Oolong (at least first that I am aware of) but it is difficult for me to predict if I am going to like this kind or if it is going to be one of my favorites simply because there are SO MANY TYPES of it. The one I got from thepuriTea seems to be on a very, very green, non-roasted side. I have some other TKYs waiting for me in the queue: the sample of Yezi’s Master Grade and Life in a Teacup’s Roasted one… Perhaps more than that (I’ve kinda lost track…). I am looking forward to trying them and figuring out the convergent points that make a TKY what it is.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Oh, interesting – I look forward to your comparisons. I read the wiki article on TKY varieties (I have no idea how accurate that is) and it seemed pretty daunting, what with all the different kinds.


There’s plenty of them! And I am soooo going to try them all :D


Haha – it’s always nice to come across a fellow completist.

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drank Hong Jing Luo by thepuriTea
437 tasting notes

This is another bilochun style black it has loosely curled black nuggets with prominent golden tips. It smells of smokey cocoa. Taste wise it is closer to Teavivre’s black dragon pearls than my other bilochun style black tea from Zen Tea With Teavivres tea having a slightlier creamy texture and taste. I actually prefer this one though.

I steeped this tea 4 times ( 60, 80,110,300s). I found it a little less resilient than zen’s Phoenix Pearls.

The scent is smokey, with cocoa, honey and light nutty notes. It brews to a coppery maple colour.

It tastes of light smoke with a cocoa mole sauce note with later steeps referencing a hint f the flavour of Chile. The cocoa smoke lies over citrusy malt tones and a touch of honey. Later steeps release a light nutty tone as well. Overall a nice savoury, cocoa noted tea.

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drank Red Robe by thepuriTea
218 tasting notes

It seems like the Wuyi oolongs do not excite me very much. This is definitely better than an average wuyi though. The initial note I get is roasted rice, but then some flowery sweetness kicks in. Okay for a nice afternoon but ultimately nothing to write home about.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Red Dragon Pearl by thepuriTea
218 tasting notes

These pearls are so fat! I love them.

Steeped 3 of them, instead of 2, per 8 oz. of boiling water. That totally did the trick. It tasted better now than I remember. Brown sugar notes seemed more disctinct and the body fuller – a great start of the day.

The liquor looked a little “dusty” but it was probably my fault since I hadn’t rinsed the leaves – I hate doing it because I feel like I waste water :( So I usually don’t.

Terri HarpLady

I just polished off the last of this tea!


And it’s the very, VERY last… FOREVER! :( Do you know teas similar to this one (and with pearls this big) that are available around?


red pearls were fairly unique from what i remembered but teavivre has great dragon pearls… and mandala does too when they’re in stock heh


Thank you, Sil! I will definitely try the Teavivre ones at some point :)

Terri HarpLady

And Teavana…


no… no teavana…poop on teavana


Hahaha, I am not a fan, I’ll admit :D

Terri HarpLady

hahaha, I hardly like anything that Teavana has, but I have to admit, the pearls are decent :)


I don’t mind them either Terri….I just figure if that’s the ONLY thing I’m buying from them, why bother lol and I do like teavivre’s better


I will keep the Teavana pearls in mind when I’m, perhaps, swapping with someone who has them. Thanks! After last Teavana order fiasco, I would never order anything directly from them ;)

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drank Red Dragon Pearl by thepuriTea
218 tasting notes

Sweet, cute pearls! I love how they look :) The infusion I got is less ruby-red than what I’m used to with Chinese blacks, it looks more like a darjeeling. The smell makes me think of milk chocolate and molasses. It is very smooth and silky sipping experience. The flavor is extremely mild and there’s next to no bitterness. It is really odd because, while I am used to a greater complexity of the flavor in Chinese black teas, this tea has a lot of depth, or body, to it nevertheless.

Nice day-opener!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Dan Cong by thepuriTea
218 tasting notes

ThepuriTea, why did you leave us when we are just getting into your teas???

This is the first time I drink this and I absolutely love it. I generally prefer green oolongs, but this is fantastic! Smells just pleasant and uneventful kind of grassy but the flavor… At first I taste sweetness of ripe fruit, then the buttery milkness kicks in in order to be replaced by flowery-perfumey notes that abruptly end with a mild vegetal aftertaste. I don’t remember when I’ve had a tea this complex, even though I have had a ton of marvellous teas in the past few weeks.

I feel so bad about not having included at least 2 servings of this in the Traveling Tea Box… It was on my list but ultimately it did not make the cut. It’s plain wonderful and I can only hope that Dan Congs from other places will be able to replace this one for me.

Flavors: Butter, Flowers

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Delicious. This tea just makes me happy drinking it. It’s almost as if you can taste the patience that went into making it.

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drank Red Dragon Pearl by thepuriTea
1812 tasting notes

As I went to research information on this tea for review purposes, I discovered to my dismay that thepuriTea actually closed, as of December 31, 2013. However, I already had in my possession a sample of these intriguing tea pearls, and it was decided that the review should continue – thank you, Terri HarpLady for the sample. (When have defunct tea companies ever stopped me, before?)

Instructions for steeping this pearl tea involve six pearls, eight ounces of just-boiled water, and three minutes of steeping time. Just before dropping them in my mug and dousing them with water, I inhale the aroma of the dried tea…not too strong with just a touch of maltiness, somewhat like an Assam. Into the cup goes the tea and water, and my timer is set for three minutes.

Contemplating the myriad varieties of tea, which are formed into pearls, I have often wondered how many of those are just gimmicks (due to their form). I have tried jasmine green tea in pearl-form and loose-form, yet one was only better than the other based on the quality of the tea and not the manner in which it was packed. I could make a comparison to loose versus compressed pu’erh, but the reasons for one over the other, there, are far different than for most green and black teas.

My three minutes are done and so is my tea. Decanting it from the brewing vessel into a pre-heated mug, the smell now is more reminiscent of molasses with the undertone of malt. Perhaps due to the three-minute steep time, the scent is quite light. Then I take a sip of the tea. Initially, the flavor seems small, but it explodes across the palate with a sweetness that is unexpected. The molasses and malt flavors are combined with cocoa undertones in a deliciously complex combination of tastes. I drink my way through the cup, slowly, enjoying the nuances and ways, in which this tea shows off the various facets of its flavor.

Adventurously (and for the sake of my curiosity), I decide to resteep the leaves, while I am sipping the first cup. This time, they are left in my two-cup brewing vessel with just-boiled water for an indeterminate, long time (twenty-plus minutes). The result is much darker, due to the extra time, but surprisingly low in astringency. Cocoa notes have become more dominant, but the flavor is still reminiscent of that first, tasty cup.

I am very glad that I got to try this tea, before it became unavailable. On my personal enjoyment scale, I would rate thepuriTea’s Red Dragon Pearl Tea an 86/100.

Flavors: Chocolate, Cocoa, Malt, Molasses

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML
Terri HarpLady

Yay! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I have just enough to drink it one more time (with resteeps, of course).


I was surprised at how re-steepable it was!

Terri HarpLady

Did I send you samples of any of the other ‘pearl’ teas I have?


No, I think this was the only pearl tea (a good choice, though!)

Terri HarpLady

maybe I didn’t have the other ones on hand at the time…

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drank Milk Oolong by thepuriTea
612 tasting notes

Nice and apparently natural. Got a few resteeps out of it too. Not available through thepuriTea anymore of course, so I guess it’s a good thing I like Joy’s and other spots’ just as well.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Lychee Green Tea by thepuriTea
2816 tasting notes

I finished off this sample as a cold brew this afternoon. I didn’t like it as much prepared via cold brew method, that seems to have brought out a smoky element to this green and I don’t get much lychee. I really liked it hot, but won’t be getting anymore as the PuriTea is now out of business, oh well.

I just woke up from a nap. I feel like I’ve been sleeping too much recently but for the first 3 months of my injury I didn’t sleep at all. Maybe my body is making up for lost time?

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drank Lychee Green Tea by thepuriTea
2816 tasting notes

I got this sample from thepuriTea before they went out of business. I’m bummed they went out of business because I liked a lot of their offerings…

The dry leaf doesn’t smell much like lychee in the sample tin I got, but after brewing it, you can definitely taste the lychee there. It’s subtle, but a bit juicy and fresh. I agree with moraiwe that there’s something floral about this. It’s really very elegant and doesn’t taste fake in any way like a lot of flavored green teas. I’ll have to look around for another lychee green tea because I really liked this. It might be good as a cold brew as well.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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