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drank Marie-Antoinette by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

Between Nina’s and Ashmanra I am learning to be in touch with my more sensitive side. A few years ago I would have smelled the cup and said ain’t no way! Now, well, this is really nice. Rose, apples, and black tea. Not in my wildest dreams, but it works and it is good.

To feel a bit more manly while sipping I am trying to teach myself the bass part to Ain’t No Grave by Russ Taff (off Under Their Influence). It leans towards Zeppelin in places. We are thinking about doing a version of this in church. The ladies agreed to do this if we did a Gaither song with them but they want to tone in down a few notches. We have a drummer that plays professionally in a rock band. We have two metal head guitarists, and me (a punker and the least trained of the bunch). I think the odds of it toning down are pretty slim. Except, I am just not hearing it. Best I can tell it revolves around three chords. I am just not hearing the changes. One of the guys who will be playing guitar is normally our bass player. I guess I’ll have to have him give me a crash course so I don’t cause a train wreck at 100 decibels.


Lol! So glad you are enjoying it! Real men drink tea, but keep on thumping that bass. My husband always has looked hot playing bass, and throwing a teacup into that image would only make him more gorgeous! :)


Find the photo of Ozzy and Slash sipping tea together, maybe it will inspire him. Not that I would know, but I am pretty sure your husband has to be hotter than either of them.

Another bass story – when I get tired trying to learn this song for church I have been thumping bass along with Geezer on Black Sabbath’s Mob Rules (don’t over think it). After the CD shut off, I asked my wife in the living room if I was too loud in the Den. My son yells down the stairs, “YES!” Weird, my dad always said the same thing. In fact he shut the power off to my room one day.


Sorry about the Gaither thing…us little ol’ church ladies think Guy Penrod is just flat hunky.


Gmathis it amuses me that I have no idea what a Guy Penrod is. :) The song is a typical 3 chord bouncy Southern Gospel. It does nothing for me personally but then it’s not about me. I’ll have fun no matter what we play.


You need to sit yourself down in front of a Gaither concert, musical preferences notwithstanding. One of the Gaither Vocal Band, shoulder length gray hair and a scrizzly beard and a honey-smooth baritone/tenor that I’m sure has made even Episcopals raise their hands in church ;)


Oh, I’ve saw him in the background on the Russ Taff video. I’ll try to Youtube him. Can’t let those partying Episcopals get one up on me.

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drank Marie-Antoinette by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

This was my morning cup. I didn’t exactly measure or time anything. In fact this isn’t what I intended to drink. I kind of misplaced one. It was one of those mornings. Steepster wouldn’t work for me. I knocked over or dropped everything I touched. I decided I would drink the first thing that didn’t require picking it up off the floor. You know the term “wake up and smell the roses?” Well, today I did and it was nice. The apples were a nice touch as well. Thank you again ashmanra and Laurant of Nina’s much needed today.


Yay! I am glad it made your day better! :)

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drank Marie-Antoinette by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

Second cup with yesterday’s leaf @ 3 1/2 minutes. This is a good balance between the apple and the rose. I still can’t imagine the two flavors work together but they do and very well. This is a very nice cup of tea. Keep the time under 3 1/2 if great big gobs of green apple aren’t your thing.

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drank Marie-Antoinette by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

Thank you Ashmanra this is just what the doctor ordered today to get rid of the lousy breakfast tea grumpies.

The sample I got from Nina’s, a while back, I steeped 3 minutes. It was a lovely lightly rose flavored black tea with a hint of apple.

Today I went by Ashmanra’s comments and steeped 4 minutes. Wow! What a difference. Now this is GREEN APPLE with a lovely rose background. It is almost like how I remember apple wine tasting.

I have more, so next time I will try it at 3 1/2 minutes, just for giggles.

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drank Marie-Antoinette by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

Oh wow! Judging by the dry leaf smell – sour, medicinal – I was prepared to not like this. I did not read the ingredients before hand and was not sure what was in this. Steeped 3 minutes.

Ok, it’s rose and something else. Sipped – apples! I would never think to mix the two. They really play off each other and you do not have to concentrate to know its apple. Slightly tart but not really. slightly sweet but not overly.

The rose is what I taste first but it is well behaved, never going over the top in a perfume sort of way. The Ceylon they say has strongness. I beg to differ. It is quite smooth, gentle even. This is a very fine and balanced cup.

I am glad I used my delicate cup for this because it only seems fitting. I’m also kind of glad I wasn’t sipping this with a bunch of guys. It is hard for a lot of guys to admit they like pretty things occasionally.

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drank Marie-Antoinette by Nina's Paris
113 tasting notes

my second steep for about 5min in boiling water brings out a similar taste but gone with the sour start. So i’m guessing i used to many leafs in my first brew. Everything that’s in this tea’s discription comes out in flavor. i’m guessing i got it correct this time around.

Overall a very good tea tough i’m still not so in love with apple taste in my tea. Thats just a personal favor and is not going to effect my scoring for this brew. U can really notice its a good quality tea with good flavors in it!

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drank Marie-Antoinette by Nina's Paris
113 tasting notes

Well where do we start with this second sample i’m going to try from nina’s tea. I’m still happy to be able to try these samples laurent did send out to me!

I’m seeing these dry leaf mixed in with a few tiny rose pedals. It looks good but nothing to special when dry. Upon steeping i’m noticing a very dark colored brew that smells like… rose!

The 3min steep with boiling water seems a bit long for my first brew. I’m finding the rose flavors to be a bit to sour but then again its been a while that i had a rose flavored tea. Still trying to get myself reminded that the sour taste probably isn’t only from the rose because there are apple notes in this blend. Can’t really tell this in my first cup tough. Maybe its because i never had a rose/apple blend or maybe i’m just to bad in tasting apples in a hot drink.

Have to say i’m still enjoying my first cup and i’m sure to update this note (or make a new one) when i’m onto my second or maybe even like some people suggest third cup!

already updating my note:

My first cup is cooled alot more now and i’m kind off starting to sort out and get my head into the apple taste! Its really like some people mention apple taste with rose instead off the rose with a little bit apple i was expecting… very curious now for the other cups i’m going to try

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down. Not really cause I love a rainy night and besides I’m no longer workin’ 9 to 5. Actually even though I am no longer working, DST ‘spring ahead’ still kicks my butt. I’m running on caffeine trying to adjust. I would never make a world traveler. Jet lag would kill me in a matter of days.

I need to be digging into my back log of to be reviewed teas. I have no brain for that today. So I reached for my comfort Earl, then put down the green tin and grabbed the red one instead. This is a very fragrant but not soapy bergamot tea that I find quite smooth for a Ceylon base. Ashmanra found the pre-Ceylon base (that’s Ceylon, not to be confused with Cylon) to be much smoother to her liking. My usual tea has a great deal of bite so this in comparison is much more refined.

This is probably a brand Picard would want in his replicator – stern but refined. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.


So glad you still enjoy this one! Keemun base for me , please!


Wow. Such a lot of music and tv references in one review. Well done :)


I think you’ve set a record for best/most use of musical puns in a single review!


So many shiny objects, so little time.

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

Today I abused this tea on purpose. Over-leafed, over-heated, and over-steeped. I wanted to see what happens, you know, for science. As Adam Savage says, “Failure is always an option.” Prepared this way, the base behaves like a more typical Ceylon tea – with a hefty bite and bitterness. Normally I use abt 3 g for a normal mug (10 oz), and water at around 190-195 F, with a 3 minute max steep and it is always smooth and refined with a proper hit of Bergamot. Today was more like 5 g, full rolling boil, and at min a 4 minute steep. I drank all but next cup I’m going back to proper brewing.


Sometimes defying the recommended steeping parameters leads to amazing discoveries so good on you!

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

This mornings cup was prepared with too much leaf and water heated in a coffee pot. The result was a bit brutal even for my barbarian tastes. The base kind of grabbed me by the throat. The bergamot jumped on and punched me more than a few times. I stood my ground and finally whipped this tea into submission. Way to go Nina’s! I’ve always seen you as the quiet polite one in my EG collection. Today you released the savage beastie within. Next time I will pay a little more attention when measuring out the leaf. Unless of course I don’t :)


Ack! Add water! Add water!

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

6:00 am sitting on the porch with my milk/matcha watching the world come alive. It was so peaceful and so mant birds were swooping in to the feeders that I decided to lengthen my stay. Prepared a mug of this. Earl Grey is the only tea I can think of that I still sweeten every time. It dulls some notes but enhances others making for a balanced cup. Today I used 195F water which takes all but the tiniest amount of Ceylon bite out. Normally I like the bite. Today I was in touch with my more mellow side. Beautiful cup. Beautiful start to the day.

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

I wrote exactly one review on my blog last month. Over achiever. Had plans to start June (JUNE!?!?) out better, but since waking up at least once every hour last night and today being a dreary gloomy gray day, dragging out the camera just wasn’t going to happen. Instead I’ve wandered about aimlessly much of the day. Finally got the ambition to brew. This was an excellent choice. The bergamot aroma of the dry leaf as well as the ruby red brew made me smile. This really is a good EG. I like mine a little on the rugged side, so I over leafed and used boiling water. That gave it a nice bite. Watching the leaf and cooling the water down to 195 or so will smooth it out nicely – but not today. This is barbarian tea day. grunt. scratch.


(I guess I was just born barbaric, then.:) Local weathercaster mentioned last night that our area had TWO rain free days in May. There’s this round yellow thing in my window today. Not sure what to do.


I recommend grabbing a lap full of kitty, a pitcher of over leafed barbarian tea, and head for the patio. It was gorgeous here today. Wish I could have spent it on the porch. Wife needed some stress reducing shopping therapy today. So, porch tomorrow… I hope.


Unfortunately, June is &*%^#&$#^ month at the salt mine. I can only dream of front porch lounging (sigh).

Christina / BooksandTea

If you have the time, I heartily second KS’s suggestion. Spending a day outside on the porch with kitties, tea, and books sounds mighty fine indeed.

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

The last couple weeks what few cups of tea I have made have been mostly back and forth between this luxurious EG and my old Ahmad EG stand by. The color of this one is beautiful. It is between burgundy and black cherry. The aroma is a very smooth bergamot with just enough Ceylon base to make me happy. I always want to taste the base – the main reason I seldom drink Twinings EG is the base is too absent. Nina’s uses a high grade Ceylon that I find doesn’t develop bite. I do miss the bite but this makes up for it with the wonderful smooth bergamot.

I made it to church today for the first time in three weeks. The band has struggled without me, which is flattering, and not at all what I want to see, at the same time. I am better but no where near well. I am going to try practice Tuesday and see if I am able to play on Easter. Happy thoughts and continued prayers welcome.


Glad you are up and about!

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

Having a very unmotivated day. I’m not feeling the greatest. Today I just want something comfortable. Nina’s Earl Grey was the one I grabbed. The more I sip this one the more I appreciate it. The bergamot is very present but does not scream bergamot at you. The base is so much smoother than my normal blend that it has taken some time to adjust. So smooth. To me, I taste assam and breathe bergamot. I like that. Then the aftertaste is a fruity bouquet of bergamot and tea. Very good choice today.

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

A beautiful cup of tea on a day when it was needed beyond words. Thank you ashmanra.


You’re welcome! >hugs<

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

Got home this afternoon from picking up Spike at the vet (he had surgery today). My son was sitting on the porch. As I got out of the car he yelled, pop fix a pot of tea so we can set on the porch. It was only 50 degrees but the sun was shining so, why not. He often drinks Bigelow K-Cup earl Grey so I thought I would pull this one on him. His opinion – this is really good earl grey, and I agree.

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

Had this one again. Last time I used 195 F water and a 2 1/2 minute steep. It was slightly drying but otherwise a smooth tea with a light peppery citrus bergamot. This time I went full boil (212 F) and the recommended 3 minute steep. With my comfort tea version (Ahmad) a 3 minute steep will produce a rough edge from the Ceylon base. This new version from Nina’s also has a Sri Lanka (Ceylon) base. I was curious if it would develop the edge – not to be confused with the guitar player for U2 ;) Turns out a longer steep made a better cup of Earl Grey than before. It did not develop a sharp bite, rather it stayed nicely smooth. I did not notice drying this time. What I did notice was the bergamot became richer and stronger. A very good, solid, cup of Earl Grey. Not as refined as the old Keemun base but to me the heartier Sri Lanka base adds character.


Yay! I am so glad you like it!

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

This isn’t an official review. I am going to play with this one a few times before making a final assessment. This is a new blend of Nina’s Earl Grey. Apparently it is not on the market yet. I was given this as a gift from a thoughtful Steepster friend. I have tried the old blend and my note is on Steepster. The old blend has a keemun base and is very refined and civilized. This one has a Sri Lanka base (Celyon) which should give a slightly rougher edge to the cup.

The scent from the tin is citrus and peppery bergamot. Very intense when dry and all concentrated. I did this first cup at 195 F. That is what I have been using lately for Earl Greys. I steeped for 2 1/2 minutes. I try not to go longer with a new black until I see how it affects my stomach. Some cause a great deal of burn. The brew is ruby red and very pretty. It turns more root beer as it cools. The wet leaf has a nice leafy scent under the less intense than when dry bergamot.

The sip is – Earl Grey! What I mean is it is Earl Grey the way I like it. The Ceylon base is drying and tingles the cheeks. It has a slight bite. Had I used hotter water I could boost that bite, I believe. The bergamot while hot is kind of laid back. As the cup cools it grows in intensity. Me like.

OK, apparently this has turned into a review. So let me add as a final thought before I experiment more – My experience with Nina’s beyond this blend (and their Lapsang Souchong – which is awesomely powerful) is their teas are noted for being very refined, wonderfully flavored, and mellow. This tea is not mellow or refined and that is what I like about it. My thought is Nina’s might be better to offer two Earl Greys with expressive names to signify the difference. I am not too sure how this blend will fair with their usual customer base. When it comes to Earl Grey I am definitely more of a barbarian!


Thanks for the review. Sounds like I would like it a lot ;)


The Keemun base has my heart, but what a great idea if they could offer both! Chinese Earl Grey and Ceylon Earl Grey, something for everyone! :)


Oh, and it IS on the market. If you order Earl Grey, this is what you get. The Keemun isn’t available anymore,but the website doesn’t reflect the new base yet! I am glad you like it! :)


I remember a long time ago having an Earl Grey with what I believe was a smoky Keemun base. I think it was from Utopia. It was really good. I can see where it is hard for a company to try and please every one. You have to mix preferences for light bergamot with heavy and smooth base with bite. So yeah, definitely at least 4 Earl Greys should be on the website :)

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drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

I received an envelope with 4 different samples from Laurent at Nina’s Teas USA. This was very much unexpected and much appreciated. Thank You!

Short version of what I am preparing for a future review on my blog. I am a barbarian when it comes to Earl Grey, but I know what I like. Don’t mess with it unless there is a good reason.

Nina’s version is simply tea and bergamot. Yeah! This is a very smooth Keemun base. No smoke. No bitterness. The bergamot has an wonderful aroma. It is a lighter touch than my normal heathen cup but tastes very nice.

If you find most Earl Grey blends to be a harsh overpowering cup of ‘ick’ (well you would be wrong but) this might well be the more sophisticated cup your palette has been waiting for. Very nicely done

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I’m getting through these Nina’s samples, and they’ve all been pretty good. Some great.

This is a smoky gunpowder with mint.

Baladé is the french word for walk, but it’s also the name of a Lebonese restaurant in New York City. That’s very fitting, because to drink tea with mint is a very Arabic thing to do. More precisely, drinking tea with mint and rose water is a very very Arabic thing to do. That’s how I’m enjoying this tea right now. Insha’Allah


how much rose water do you use?

My Friend Rashad

Not much. The kind I have is strong. I use like a cap full per cup of tea.

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A tin of this came in the mail today and I could SMELL IT THROUGH THE BOX! It was inside a tin and the box and I could smell it. This stuff is way stronger than the sample I had a few days ago. I’m going to leave it exposed to air for a couple hours, then leave the closed tin on the counter away from my tea stash. Hopefully it will mellow out. What I loved about the Nina’s samples was how subtle the flavours were. Right now this tea has all the subtlety of a frat boy on spring break. I still love this tea, it’s just a little too potent right now. I rate it at 70 until it calms down.

Terri HarpLady

I have a sample of this, waiting to be steeped.


I am glad you mention this, Rashad! My tin is also very very potent but I didn’t realize it could perhaps be that it needed for some of the carrier alcohol to evaporate. I have mine airing out now and look forward to trying a more genteel cup in the very near future!

My Friend Rashad

I tried it again today and it made a huge difference.


Nice! I just tried a cup and it is much, much better! Thank you!

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Oh my! This is a tea after my own heart. This is the best rose flavored tea I’ve ever had. It’s the closest thing to using real rose water. The apple flavor is directly proportionate to the rose and neither taste anything short of the real thing. I got this as a sample and I’ll be placing an order immediately. For me, this tea is a “must have” in my cabinet.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

i’m not a rose tea person really. but i will still try this one soon. …. and if i don’t like it i can always give it to my sister! win win

My Friend Rashad

It astounds me that someone could dislike a tea I love, or vice versa.

Rob Rauschenberg

I think that is really interesting, how everyone tastes and interrupts teas differently. That is one of the most interesting aspects of the tasting notes to me.

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drank Thé des Anges by Nina's Paris
4197 tasting notes

Very happy to try samples from Nina’s! Thank you! This one sounded nice. It is! After two steeps at 3-4 minutes each, both cups were the same. It’s very sweet, either from the strawberry or vanilla… maybe double sweet! Strawberry leaves are not as bad in a tea as blackberry leaves, in my opinion, since they don’t have as much flavor as blackberry leaves. So they were fine here. The flavor reminds me of a champagne. Definitely strawberry, as there were small strawberry pieces. The black tea is smooth and velvety.. perfect for the flavors. This blend reminded me of Zen’s Strawberry Cream black tea, but this one wasn’t cream. The vanilla does seem like it gives a bit of lingering creamy flavor. It’s perfect the way it is though! Very elegant!

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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Not bad. A little fruity. I can taste the deep cherry note, and maybe some other type of fruit. The black base is nice!
Altogether, it reminds me of those red marshmallow Easter treats. Or maybe I just have the holiday on my mind. Happy Easter everyone! :)
And then, seeing as the sample was enough for just one cuppa, I made half with milk and shuga’, and it became even more candy like, the soft and fluffy kind that melts in your mouth. Not very malty but then it doesn’t need to be.
I only wish the notes were less muted. I mean, it reminded me of Marco Polo, but less pronounced and definitive in flavour.
Verdict: Decent!! A good tea, but it’s safely in the “let’s be friends” zone. Unless things change, there’ll be no undying love…
(errr I’ve been watching the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. It may have impacted the quality of my rambles)
Thanks to Nina’s Tea for the sample!

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