drank Earl Grey by Nina's Paris
1719 tasting notes

Had this one again. Last time I used 195 F water and a 2 1/2 minute steep. It was slightly drying but otherwise a smooth tea with a light peppery citrus bergamot. This time I went full boil (212 F) and the recommended 3 minute steep. With my comfort tea version (Ahmad) a 3 minute steep will produce a rough edge from the Ceylon base. This new version from Nina’s also has a Sri Lanka (Ceylon) base. I was curious if it would develop the edge – not to be confused with the guitar player for U2 ;) Turns out a longer steep made a better cup of Earl Grey than before. It did not develop a sharp bite, rather it stayed nicely smooth. I did not notice drying this time. What I did notice was the bergamot became richer and stronger. A very good, solid, cup of Earl Grey. Not as refined as the old Keemun base but to me the heartier Sri Lanka base adds character.


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K.S. passed away in late April. There will be no more postings from him. Thank you.

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90-100 Love it enough to keep around
80-90 Like a lot, would drink often
70-80 Above average
50-70 Average – take it or leave it
0-50 I don’t like it and don’t want to like it


Indiana, USA



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