I’ve had a few sessions with this tea over the past few months. Each time, I read all the logs that have come before me — and then get surprised when my session is enjoyable, lol.

I don’t find this overly or even particularly sweet. The warmed leaf has gorgeous smells of roasted and salted white sweet potato. Same comes through in the sip, with rye and some cocoa notes. A little dryness in the early steeps that I find interesting rather than distracting. I didn’t count my steeps, but it lasted longer than I expected it to.

I’d like to try this western.

Flavors: Cocoa, Rye, Salt, Sweet Potatoes

Marshall Weber

I still have yet to get any sweet potato flavor in the ZSXZ I’ve tried! I love sweet potatoes so I’m jealous. I’ll get it eventually :). Glad you enjoyed it!

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Marshall Weber

I still have yet to get any sweet potato flavor in the ZSXZ I’ve tried! I love sweet potatoes so I’m jealous. I’ll get it eventually :). Glad you enjoyed it!

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