When I saw pics of Red Velvet cakes coming out years ago I attempted to make it, and turned out badly. Too vinegary once, not red at all a few times (wrong food colouring) or messed up texture (wrong food colouring screwing up the liquid content). I’m more of a cookie and pie baker, not a cake baker!
DRY: Smells like cake! Lots of red sprinkles and, white bits and chocolate chips.
STEEPED: Light reddy brown black tea. Smells like cake batter. I thought it would come out more red. Bit of a clear film on top of my cup.
TASTE: Smooth, battery cake taste – rich cake, vanilla buttery with chocolate flavor. Quite sweet without adding any sweetener, Crap!
I sweetened what was left in the pot without tasting, and it’s pretty sweet and spot on toothy sweet cake. The black tea is subtle here, adding some depth. No bitterness or astringency. Do not sweeten this without tasting first!
COMMENTS: If you love Red Velvet Cake, give this a shot. Me? it’s really impressively tastes like cake, which is pretty cool – it be a fun tea to show people new to fun flavored teas. However, RVC is really chocolate cake with red colouring, ya know? I do think this is better than DT’s “Chocolate Cake” as it tastes closer to cake.
Oh crap. I’m scared to see my Steeper, I remember Chocolate cake made a gross mess in my Steeper from the sprinkles, this tea might be the same.