I am hanging out in militiaJim’s office this afternoon
So we decided to have some tea
2tsp – 1 mug of water
the catch
he said “go flick the switch on the electric kettle it’ll give you hot water”
I walked into the kitchen, missed the electric kettle, saw the water filter, it had a flip switch on the spigot, i flipped it, steeped my tea (in warm filtered tap water) for 3 min
and got
nice mango juice ?
i mean wow, it was drinkable and yummy, not tea but juice
but yea i’m blind (give me credit i have 1 eye!)
so then since it wasn’t a hot steep, he added a touch of PG Tips and real hot water and steeped for 3 min+
and apparently the PG Tips kicked the mango teas a$!
it was bitter and icky and required cream
not to bad for the abuse we put that tea through!
LOL I had the same trouble with one of those faucets in NY. I’m use to one of those kitchen tap water heaters. I thought that is what they had and that I’d broke it. I was apologizing and offering to buy a new one which gave them a good laugh.
lol :) that’s exactly what i thought, we used to have the instant hot and that’s what i thought it was, the white plastic electric water kettle was being ninja and hiding against the white wall so of course the metal thingy looks like an appropriate item – But MilitiaJim gre up in NYC and apparently the filters are common there?
Haha that sounds like something I’d do:)
Oh nose! Sorry ’bout the tea fail :(
LOL I had the same trouble with one of those faucets in NY. I’m use to one of those kitchen tap water heaters. I thought that is what they had and that I’d broke it. I was apologizing and offering to buy a new one which gave them a good laugh.
lol :) that’s exactly what i thought, we used to have the instant hot and that’s what i thought it was, the white plastic electric water kettle was being ninja and hiding against the white wall so of course the metal thingy looks like an appropriate item – But MilitiaJim gre up in NYC and apparently the filters are common there?