My first order from Teavivre came; Monday is looking up! This was less than half the price of David’s Quangzhou Milk Oolong so I wanted to see how it stacked up (as that one is my current addiction and I’m going through it way too fast!) The first part of the sip tastes like a smooth floral oolong, and then a slight sweet creaminess appears at the end of the sip. As it cools it becomes slightly richer and gains a little more milkiness. The second steep produces a rich color once again but the flavor is pretty mild and the creamy aftertaste has almost disappeared. I find this to be more of an everyday basic milk oolong with the oolong being more pronounced and the creaminess in the background, while the Quangzhou definitely tastes more indulgent and in-your-face with the creaminess. It’s still a very tasty tea and I think I’ll take it for another infusion.