drank Birthday Cake by DAVIDsTEA
47 tasting notes

Oh my its been about a long time since I last reviewed!!

mmm, Birthday Cake is the one tea I’ve been craving for, the fragrance is sweet, and maple-ly. guilty pleasure. I actually steeped this is a tea bag today, I need to make a point on purchasing a new steeper…lol. yum yum yummy I might drink this tonight for a night cap!

8 min or more 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Tea-sters !

I currently live in Las Vegas, but born and raised from New Orleans! I have been working at Lush Cosmetics for 3-4 years as a Trainer. My major is Biology and Business hoping to get into Medical School. I do enjoy eating and reviewing restaurants throughout Vegas, going to concerts, and having fun!

I am beginning a new love and hobby for tea, but I guess i haven’t expanded to new teas since my cupboard is mostly Davids Tea and Teavana. I feel as though I don’t have any friends in Vegas that are quite as addicted to tea as I am and I probably don’t know what I’m doing; so any suggestions I would appreciate it!

Feel free to message me!


Las Vegas, NV



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