694 Tasting Notes

drank Cucumber Mango Shou Mei by 52teas
694 tasting notes

Yum! I am not sure why I put off trying this for so long. I received a sample of this from LiberTEAS sample box back in January. I enjoyed a cup of this iced for dinner tonight. This was really tasty. I am not sure I can describe the flavor as mango, but there is a fruity quality with the cucumber that comes out. It is very nice. I will delicately be enjoying the rest of this sample iced!

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I received a generous sample of this from boychik. Thank you!

This was my second time with this tea and the words to describe it still escape me. I enjoy this tea, but it is not one that I crave. It has a quality about it that I just can’t describe. It is sweet, but more ice tea sweet than, potato/bread sweet. I am not sure if that makes sense at all. I guess to try another angle it is a lighter bodied tea that has more hints of honey and hay than bread and sweet potatoes. I have enough for one more session and I hope to be able to describe what I am tasting a little better next time.

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I received this sample from DeleriumFrogs. Thank you!

Zen Tea continues to impress me. Most of the teas from here I have really enjoyed and they are at such reasonable prices. This one goes on this list. I enjoyed this one last night while making dinner. The first few infusions were creamy, floral and slightly vegetal. All were very smooth with no bitterness. The next few infusions offered a tangy/fruity taste. This was a really nice TieGuanYin. I will order a bit of this on the next Zen Tea order. Thank you for sharing DeleriumFrogs


I haven’t had this one, but this is a nice style of oolong in general. Sounds great.


If you like milk oolong you will like these. This was a mellow one. It was really nice.


I have one from a Chinese tea company (Bama Tea) that I really like.

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drank Je t'Aime by Nina's Paris
694 tasting notes

Thanks to Nina’s for this awesome sample!

This little sample was pretty amazing. Caramel, vanilla, all blended well with a very nice base. This one will go on the wish list. I drank, err I mean gulped the last of this down today and will definitely miss it. Thank you!

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This is a sample from Boychik’s Darjeeling Sampler. Thank you!

I finally got the opportunity to try compare and try all 4 Upton Darjeelings together. This was my top pick of the 4 Upton teas that I got to try. This was my favorite because it packed more of a punch of all the flavors. I could pick out the musk, the fruitiness, and there was a bit of astringency that made it have a little kick. I look forward to enjoying this one on its own with out the others to compare to. Hopefully I still like it just as much.

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This is a sample from Boychik’s Darjeeling Sampler. Thank you!

I finally got the opportunity to try compare and try all 4 Upton Darjeelings together. This took second place of the 4 and to be honest the top two were pretty comparable to me. This offered a bit more musk to it than the other 2 below it. It was a tad more astringent, which is this case is good. This was a nice cup!

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drank Lapsang Souchong by Zen Tea
694 tasting notes

This sample comes from DeleriumFrogs. Thank you!

I had put a Lapsang Souchong on my wishlist when i really enjoyed one of the smokey teas from Yezi. I am glad DeleriumFrogs included this in our swap because it gave me the chance to try this without having to commit too much. Unfortunately this was a little much on the smoke for me. This was like drinking a BBQ pit. I wish I could love them all, but this wasn’t my cup of tea. Thank you for the opportunity to try this type of tea.


I got a sample size and didn’t try it yet.


I think this is my favorite smokey tea, at least one that is currently available for sale. Too bad you don’t like it!


I really wanted to, but I guess not everything can be a favorite right? I hope you enjoy this one boychik, it seems like a really nice tea if you enjoy the smoke.

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This is a sample from Boychik’s Darjeeling Sampler. Thank you!

I finally got the opportunity to try compare and try all 4 Upton Darjeelings together. This offered a bit more of a punch than the 1st flush. It was a tad more musky than the 1st. It was still very smooth and very light on the astringency. This was my 3rd pick from the 4 from Upton.


You’re welcome;)

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This is a sample from Boychik’s Darjeeling Sampler. Thank you!

I finally got the opportunity to try compare and try all 4 Upton Darjeelings together. This was the lightest of the 4 and the only 1st flush. I wrote notes of slightly muscky, smooth, not much astringency and I used the word dandelion to describe the taste. I think of the 4 this was my least favorite, but I am finding, at least with this sample set that the more astringent the more I seemed to like the Darljeeling. I am also finding that I tend to enjoy Darjeelings more in the afternoon, as a lighter fruitier tea.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 0 OZ / 0 ML

i like Darj for afternoon tea too

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I received a sample of this from Suziqzer awhile back. Thank you!

Somehow this got pushed to the bottom of my work droor. I was digging around today and found it and was like, oh yeah! This was really tasty! It was a tad bit of the toasty oolong with hints of almond and a sweet finish. I really enjoyed this one! I will finish the last cup of this first thing Monday!


Glad you enjoyed this one! If you want more, let me know. It’s one of the few I can get locally.


Ooh, this sounds interesting.

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I started drinking tea while on a 4 month long cycling trip through South America. It seemed to always be a great way to warm up when I was cold and it was always available everywhere. Mate was the big tea of choice down there and it was also a great way to get to know people. When I returned home, my sister introduced me to Teavana and this launched me into the realm of loose leaf tea.

Earl Grey Cream – Zen Tea
North Winds – WP
Zho Ru -Verdant
Golden Monkey – H&S
Milk Oolong – Gong Fu Tea
Nahorhabi Assam – H&S


Kansas City, MO

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