694 Tasting Notes


I am traveling this week/weekend and packed some of my H&S sachets for the road. I am having this today and it has been great. A nice strong cup that is just the right amount of bitter, yet smooth. Stands up to not so perfect brewing conditions and still puts a smile on my face. I really need to contact H&S to see if this is the same tea as Big Red Sun.

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drank Congou Keemun by Butiki Teas
694 tasting notes

I received some of this from donkeytiara in our swap. Thank you!

Yum. I had a rough nights sleep last night and I was already starting to think about what tea I would try this morning. I read a tasting note about keemun yesterday so thought I would give one of these a go. I am glad I did. This cup did not disappoint. This is a very light and fruity keemun, maybe peaches/bananas? It is very smooth and almost a hint of spice? mixed in. I can’t quite put a finger on the flavor at the beginning of the sip. It doesn’t have as much base as some of my current favorite keemuns, but it is a great cup. Thank you for sharing donkeytiara.


…i agree…it’s almost a summer keemun, which seems a bit of an oxymoron!

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drank Stone Fruit White Tea by 52teas
694 tasting notes

This is an old sample. I think this is one that came from a box from LiberTeas awhile back. Why I am not just trying this I am not sure. Tonight this is really hitting the spot. Light very fruity and definitely stone fruit. It is slightly sweet. I actually liked it more when it was hot, now as it cools I am thinking about heating it back up. A good cup for tonight.

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drank Phoenix Pearl by Zen Tea
694 tasting notes

This tea comes from Zack. Thank you!

This tea was the main reason for reaching out for the swap. I got to try this in the TTB last spring and loved it. I almost fell for the Feb 40% off but I haven’t drank through all of my EGC yet and I am really trying to stick to my tea budget this year. So I will enjoy the few cups of this I have from Zack for now. But this cup, this cup confirms this tea needs to be in my stash. With even more experience in the world of straight blacks a year later this is even more solidly a LOVE. There is a roasty toasty java hint to this black tea. It is malty and chocolaty without the brighter fruity notes that seem to get in the way for me with black teas. I just hope the 2015 crop maintains some of the same characteristics:)

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drank Dong Ding Oolong by Tea Ave
694 tasting notes

This is the last of my sample sachet’s from Tea Ave. Thank you for the opportunity to try your wonderful oolongs.

I had this tea earlier this week and didn’t write a tasting note about it immediately so hopefully I remember all the important details of of this one. I remember being suprised that I enjoyed this one more than the TGY. The texture of this tea amazed me. Like most of the TeaAve teas that I tried it had a creamy smooth, melt in your mouth, kind of texture. It seems to enhance the experience so much. I remember this being slightly fruity, with a slight roasted flavor. This one I would definitely pick up again. I unfortunately only had the opportunity to steep these leaves once. I wish I would have had the time to do more, but such is life sometimes. I look forward to an order with TeaAve in the up coming months!


Thank you for all your reviews and comments Teatiff, We really appreciate it. Glad you really enjoyed a few you’ve tried. Would you mind sharing your comments on our site where you can review and rate the teas you’ve tried?

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drank Florence by Harney & Sons
694 tasting notes

I had my last mug of this tea this morning. I finally got it right. I accidentally let it steep for probably 6 mins with quite a bit of leaf. I added sugar and milk and it was a delicious cup. I am not sure I would repurchase this one. It might depend on what kinda shopping mood I was in. It was enjoyable while I had it. Thanks H&S for another great tea.

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drank Apricot by Harney & Sons
694 tasting notes

This is another sample from the swap with Zack. Thank you!

I wasn’t expecting much out of this one, but this is why I keep trying teas. You find little gems you would have never thought you would have liked. When I opened the pouch the smell to me was very off putting, but when steeped this turned into a really good cup and I could see this being the perfect iced tea in the summer. It has a good black base mixed with a great flavor of apricot. In my cup the scent from the bag is not overpowering the drink, but blends well with the base to create a true to apricot flavor that is just perfect.

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drank Big Red Sun by Harney & Sons
694 tasting notes

This is another sample from the swap with Zach. Thanks!

Yum! I ordered a tin of the sachets of the HT English Breakfast. If I would have known about this loose leaf before I ordered I think I would have just gotten a tin of this. This is a nice breakfast blend! It brews up very dark in color, almost to the point of scary me into not drinking it. It is a robust flavor with hints of bitterness, but just the right kind. It is still smooth, and slightly fruity. This tea would take milk really well if you are into that sorta thing. This will go on the wish list. Now if I only had enough to do a comparison with the HT English Breakfast, or is it the same tea different name? Reading the descriptions they are pretty much similar. Does anyone know?


I DO know the answer to this….but I have to think… I know that there were 2 teas that were the same but just labeled differently… I thought it was either HT and Big Red Sun OR Big Red Sun and Safari Breakfast?? Now I’m confusing myself. If you call them, they’ll tell you. That’s what I did….

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drank Osmanthus Oolong by Tea Ave
694 tasting notes

This is a sachet sample from TeaAve. Thank you!

I enjoyed this tea at work today. I have never had anything Osmanthus before. This was a citrusy, sweet flavor that blended very well wit the base oolong. The oonlong at first at slight roasty notes that made me actually think the base was the TGY. This was a much stronger flavor than the other two flavored oolongs I tried from TeaAve. the Ginger Lily and Cape Jasmine. This is very enjoyable, but I think I would want to try this one again before purchasing a larger amount. Of the teas I have tried from TeaAve. the Ginger Lily and the Oriental Beauty have been my favorites.

I logged on to TeaAve’s site on Sunday and debated an order, but quickly saw the shipping price and threshold. EEKS!!!!! TeaAve will have to wait a few months or for a shipping sale.

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drank Chocolate Mint Rooibos by Zen Tea
694 tasting notes

This is another sample from Zach. Thank you!

I have been enjoying Adagio’s Cocomint Rooibos. I am not sure which of the two I prefer. I think the flavors of Adagio’s blend are a tad bit stronger. I might have to do a side by side comparison tomorrow night. This is good. I forgot to add some sugar tonight so the flavors do not pop, but it has been keeping me company while I finish up work tonight.

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I started drinking tea while on a 4 month long cycling trip through South America. It seemed to always be a great way to warm up when I was cold and it was always available everywhere. Mate was the big tea of choice down there and it was also a great way to get to know people. When I returned home, my sister introduced me to Teavana and this launched me into the realm of loose leaf tea.

Earl Grey Cream – Zen Tea
North Winds – WP
Zho Ru -Verdant
Golden Monkey – H&S
Milk Oolong – Gong Fu Tea
Nahorhabi Assam – H&S


Kansas City, MO

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