I had to move this to a corrected tea page, but I did not want to loose the info on the other page by editing it, so this is a double post.
Iced tea of the day….
Another sample from Russel at the Millerton Shop. (Thank you!) I was really glad to get to try this, because I have gifted it to friends and not even had a chance to try it for myself. I am a big fan of their Midsummer’s Peach decaf blend in loose leaf. MSP was the tea that introduced me to the Millerton Shop since I was not prepared to buy an entire pound of it, and that is how it is offered online in loose leaf other than a sample. Midsummer’s Peach makes a great iced tea, but usually, I want the caffeine during the day. Enter, the Peach Iced Tea in 2 qt. pouches.
I must say, the convenience of the pouches is wonderful. It makes the perfect gift for those who don’t have the patience or tea obsession to mess with leaves. I like it, too, actually. I made the iced tea in a pyrex measuring cup right along side my first morning cuppa. Then I added the super-strength brew to my favorite pitcher full of ice plus a little more water to bring it up to about 2 qts. Notes of fresh peach and oh so smooth and refreshing. It definitely holds a place in my top favorite iced teas, and readily nudged out Midsummer’s. I will have to purchase some….for me and more for gifts. Did you see how cute the tin is?