15131 Tasting Notes

drank Peach Oolong by Butiki Teas
15131 tasting notes

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drank Peach Oolong by Butiki Teas
15131 tasting notes

Mmmm much better when bewing at home. Really enjoying the subtlness of this one. Only thing I’m not loving about it are the floral undertones. Still not something I’d turn away if offered to me :)

Autistic Goblin

You may have boiled the water too hot. I find that when I do at home I can get no floral undertones, just peachy goodness. Experiment with it :D


Thanks Helen! I’ll try that. :)
Really enjoying the teas from butiki.

Autistic Goblin

Yeah Stacy is a genius, I’m enjoying her stuff too :D


Helen…that seems to have helped with the floral tones….unless its just the fact that it’s my second steeping ;) still a delicious tea

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drank Strawberry Oolong by Butiki Teas
15131 tasting notes

Writing tasting notes on the iPad doesn’t always work so well. Finally got a chance to sit and relax and try this one. I’ve been trying to get through all of them before my next two orders show up :) the strawberry in this one almost seems to be hiding only to peek out when you least expect it. A very nice mellow tea for this evening m

Autistic Goblin

I can’t wait to try this :D

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drank Mi Xian Black by Butiki Teas
15131 tasting notes

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drank Madame Butterfly by The Tea Emporium
15131 tasting notes

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drank Tamarind Pop by Butiki Teas
15131 tasting notes

I received this as a sample from Stacy @ Butiki in my order. I think I have steeped this wrong since I didn’t get what most have mentioned from this tea. To be fair, it was still an enjoyable tea but not quite what I was expecting. Added some sugar to see if that changed the taste enough – about the same. That being said, I’d be wiling to give it another shot as I feel like at this stage in the game, it’s likely ME not the tea :)

Butiki Teas

Hmmm, the only steeping issue I could think of is amount of water. The sample sizes are pre-measured for 8oz of water. If you use a mug and don’t measure out the water the size of the mug can be very deceiving. Most mugs that I see range from 12oz-16+oz. If you measured out the water, than this might not be your cup of tea. :)


For sure Stacy. I did measure it because in our house mugs are closer to 20oz lol don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the tea just want to try it again because I’m pretty sure I need to do it right :)

Butiki Teas

Ha, yeah same here. We have huge mugs, to the point of being ridiculous.

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drank Read My Lips by DAVIDsTEA
15131 tasting notes

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drank Cider Guayusa by Butiki Teas
15131 tasting notes

When I first opened this bag of tea my instant thought was that it smells exactly like one of my favourite alcoholic ciders :) Liberteas is tootaly right about the spices in this one. I’m going to have to try this a few more times to really wrap my brain around the taste. Overall a nice afternoon tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Read My Lips by DAVIDsTEA
15131 tasting notes

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drank Peach Oolong by Butiki Teas
15131 tasting notes

I think I have over steeped this one. While it’s nicely flavoured there’s a hint of something there that makes me wish I was instead drinking Madam Butterfly. I’ll have to give this another go tonight when I get home – work isn’t really a great set up for my tea habits…..yet!

Autistic Goblin

I knew you tried this one!


lol that kind of day. Couldn’t remember which of my other oolongs i had.

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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