15131 Tasting Notes


When i picked this one, I actually thought it would be a smokey tea for whatever reason. This tea has no smokiness to it. There’s actually almost a fruity taste happening here which confuses me often in straight blacks :) it’s not malty…to me this is a sweet black with some sort of taste to it that makes my mouth feel full. so maybe i’m having a weird morning haha


I also thought Russian Caravan was typically a smoky tea…


yeah…this one really isn’t. at all. lol


Same here, I assumed that Lapsang is always a component in RC!! Odd

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drank Breakfast Smoothie Honeybush by 52teas
15131 tasting notes

first tea of the morning – cold brewed this yesterday to try as a cold tea first since most of the reviews have said the flavours really come out as it cools.

I’m not sure how i feel about this one over all. It smells like that banana medicine you used to get as a kid. The first sips of this are…intresting. there’s a lot going on that i can’t place. it’s a fruity, banana-y mess of flavours. i’ll have to try this hot to see if i like it better that way. cold is just kind of…weird?

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Backlog from yesterday

I quite enjoyed this cup as the yunnan helped cut the astringency of the asaam. There’s a bit of smokiness to this tea but it’s not the dominant flavour. Instead it’s more at the tail end of the malty spice like black.

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drank Toffee and Cream by Kally Tea
15131 tasting notes

backlog from yesterday evening. One of two teas i took with me for boardgame afternoon :)
This time the flavour was much more to my liking. I think it’s kind of like della terra in that a little extra leaf goes a long way for me. I quite enjoyed the creamy sweetness of this one!


Boardgame afternoon—sounds wonderful! (Nobody at my house plays with me :(


come visit me in toronto! I’m always down for some board game time! we’re actually trying to make it a more regular thing too since if you play a long-er game then there’s not much time for much else except maybe a few rounds of domonion :)

We played Brass yesterday and it made me super happy!

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mmmmm finally caught up on my tasting notes lol having this before we need to get ready to head out for board game saturday! Hopefully to be followed by sipdown sunday heh. I quite like this one though there’s a hint of something in it that takes away from the delicious tea base. I’m guessing it’s the muscatel? I’m not picking up any astringency in this one so that’s nice. Overall not a bad cup!

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Had this in the morning and it was an ok cup. I may have steeped it a little long or had too much leaf so i’ll need to give it another shot. Perhaps with a bit of milk/cream in it. It was a bit bitter for my tastes.

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I had this this morning while try to get the dishes done from last night. As i suspected, this is a really nice COLD brew tea. I much prefer it that way over hot. I think this would be pretty darn good in the summer. I may pick some up then to try that out. maybe with a splash of lemonade :)

Iced 8 min or more

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drank Strawberry Pie Honeybush by 52teas
15131 tasting notes

Shared this with a friend last night – it was her first time seeing all my tea and man she was overwhelmed! it made me giggle just a bit. opened up this one for her to try and it was as delicious as i remember it being the last time!


I giggled a little just reading about it. Hope she wasn’t wondering who is this crazy person :)


Oh she’s pretty sure I’m insane now. :) but she made 3 cups of various matchas last night and placed a red leaf order lol

Terri HarpLady

…and the addiction begins…

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I had this last night while friends were over. It’s an average cup of tea, nothing to write home about but it was a nice complement to the meal we had. I’d drink this again but it doesn’t need to be a staple in the house. I’m happy to have tried it though.

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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