15131 Tasting Notes


oh my god this smells divine. The worst part though? It smells like something i’ve had before that was sooo delicious, but i can’t remember what it was. haha. I’d be curious to try the black base version of this to see how it compares. However, that being said the green base is really tasty. It’s not quite REAL mango..but it is mango and it is tasty. I have a feeling that with a teeny bit of sweetner this would really pop! Either that or maybe cold brewed. I’ll have to try both at some point :) for now i’m just enjoying this interesting cup of tea while trying to place where the heck the smell is from.

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drank Tangerine Spice by Kally Tea
15131 tasting notes

mmm this is a tasty cup of tea. After Indigo’s review I wasn’t sure what to expect but this is much tastier than her description of this lol I don’t know that i would call this tangerine, but there’s orange! The spice is muted and i’m ok with that because I wasn’t looking for an orange chai tea. :) While there is cinnamon, it’s not overpowering. I just kind of blends in with the tea nicely.


Glad it was a hit for one of us! :)

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drank Caramel Cocoa Loco by Kally Tea
15131 tasting notes

I sometimes get this one confused with Kally Tea’s “toffee and cream.” I have to say though, this one is better, though they’re both delicious. There’s something to be said about how this one blends together to have that creamy caramel taste. mmmm!

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drank Berry Chocolate by Kally Tea
15131 tasting notes

Another decent tea from Kally tea. There could be a bit more chocolate in here to really make it a home run for me but the berry flavour is quite delicious. There’s a creaminess in this that hints of more chocolate but without coming across as cloyingly artificial. Happy with this one :)

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drank Cola Chai by Kally Tea
15131 tasting notes

I have to say, it’s weird to drink teas that taste like cola. This tea doesn’t taste like Coke..but it totally tastes like a chai made with that generic brand cola you pick up at the grocery store hoping no one will notice that it’s not actually coke (or pepsi if that’s more up your alley). The dry aroma of this tea is COLA! it kinda tripped me out a little when i went to brew it.

Once steeped, this is a cola flavoured tea with a bit of spice going on for the chai piece of it. As it cools down, the cola starts to become more a part of the tea. I’d love to try this cold to see how it stacks up. overall, an interesting tea for sure.

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec

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drank Dirty Chai by Della Terra Teas
15131 tasting notes

So my opinion on this one holds true. There really isn’t much to the coffee piece of this tea but it you love cinnamon hearts, this is the tea for you. Bumping up the rating a bit as it appeals more to me today than previously. It might be the result of adding a bit extra leaf to this one.

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drank Saveur de Paris by Della Terra Teas
15131 tasting notes

soooooo i’m pretty sure me and bergamot, we’re not friends gah! I am so not a fan of this tea… nothing about this appeals to me. it’s got a weird after taste, it’s got way too much bergamot taste to it… yeah. my other half tried it for me and he got up and spat it out. so yeah. sorry to those that enjoyed this but it’s not for me :)

Della Terra Teas

Sil, we have found this is either a hit or miss amongst customers. We have found some will steep it for an actual maximum of 30 seconds, and do a second steep at 1 minute. Our owner prefers his at 1 minute with two sugars. This is without question a tea you must love a strong orange flavor to properly enjoy! We certainly hope you someday find a good bergamot flavor you love. We will be coming out with more Earl Greys within the next few months. :)


Della terra – oh I’m sure the are those that would love this :) I’m still learning what I like and don’t….turns out bergamot and I are mortal enemies hehe still glad I got to try it though. Such a pretty tea

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drank Black Currant Bai Mu Dan by 52teas
15131 tasting notes

See previous tasting notes. Still a decent cup of tea but I think i’m done with it. In that it never calls out to me anymore when i open my tea cupboard. just tells me it doesn’t have longevity in terms of the taste for me. It was good while it lasted, though now i have part of a bag still left. bah.

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this was a sample from my last verdant order and i figured i’d try this out since next weekend there are a few people coming over to have tea who i KNOW are much more appreciative of green tea than i am. I figure if i don’t like this, i can pass it to a happier home.

I love the idea of green teas….but most of the time they’re too light and vegetal for me. This tea smells “green” before adding water to it. However, when adding the water to the leaves (I brewed this western style) there’s almost a sweetness to the aroma.

The first sips of this aren’t vegetal at all. Instead they are more on the sweet side, like drops of honey that have been diluted. There’s no astringency and this is quite tasty. It’s nothing that i NEED to have or want to always have around, but i think i could enjoy a cup (or two) of this from time to time. I’ll have to see how the re-steeps change things.

Edit: Resteeps, the tea starts to lose the honey, sweet notes and becomes more floral.


Dragonwell was my gateway green tea! :P

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having another cup (or more with the re-steeps depending on how you look at it) because after the previous tea i needed a non fruity black tea. The more i have this one, the more it’s growing on me. Or maybe that it’s a lot more of what i wanted in contrast to the previous tea. :)

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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