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Chai Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec

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12 Tasting Notes View all

  • “So my opinion on this one holds true. There really isn’t much to the coffee piece of this tea but it you love cinnamon hearts, this is the tea for you. Bumping up the rating a bit as it appeals...” Read full tasting note
  • “BLAH! And this one goes down the drain after one sip sorry…but this is NOT GOOD on my tongue. It’s like Market Spice’s signature blend with stale coffee and fake cinnamon. gross” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! Blehhh, this tea smells really odd. Spicy but… not in a pleasant way. Perhaps I’m smelling orange, cloves, and cinnamon but there’s also something else offputting in here. ACK! First sip...” Read full tasting note
  • “Had enough for one cup of this in the tea box, so I thought I’d give it a shot. Typically I am not a fan of these coffee in your tea blends but I sniffed this and it didn’t smell too bad so I...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

A classic chai tea with espresso beans. This creates a spicy, slightly bitter yet sweet tea with an amazing aroma. If you are a tea AND coffee drinker, try the two together in our Dirty Chai. Trust us, this will give you a pick me up!

Ingredients: black tea, espresso beans, cinnamon, cloves, orange peel, spices and flavoring

Suggested brewing tips:

Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving

Water Temp: 203 ° F – 212°F

Steep Time: 2- 5 minutes

About Della Terra Teas View company

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12 Tasting Notes

15596 tasting notes

So my opinion on this one holds true. There really isn’t much to the coffee piece of this tea but it you love cinnamon hearts, this is the tea for you. Bumping up the rating a bit as it appeals more to me today than previously. It might be the result of adding a bit extra leaf to this one.

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6768 tasting notes


And this one goes down the drain

after one sip

sorry…but this is NOT GOOD on my tongue.

It’s like Market Spice’s signature blend with stale coffee and fake cinnamon. gross


I hate it when that happens. Have a good cup of tea to wash out the experience.


well it did tell you that it was dirty ;)


This has to be the worst from Della Terra! I didn’t mind it, but yeah, it was the worst. :D

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6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! Blehhh, this tea smells really odd. Spicy but… not in a pleasant way. Perhaps I’m smelling orange, cloves, and cinnamon but there’s also something else offputting in here. ACK! First sip and this is ridiculously, unnervingly sweet! I can taste the coffee now, and the flavor, aside from the SWEET, is not as bad as the aroma indicates, but…. Blargh, this is not my cup of tea. I’m surprised you used up as much as you did, Sil! Thanks for sharing with me – at least I have one tea to permanently cross off my list. Perhaps this would be better tempered with milk, but I’m really not a fan of pre-sweetened teas… and this is just sickly sweet. I’m afraid this one’s headed for the drain; after the two delicious chiffon teas and two delicious chocolate teas I just drank, and the huge number of other delicious things in my cupboard… yeah, I can’t.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I didn’t really care for this one either and I LOVE Dirty Chais, it was just really cinnamony. Gonna give it another shot simmered with milk.


Haha I always feel like I should give teas a few chances.

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1220 tasting notes

Had enough for one cup of this in the tea box, so I thought I’d give it a shot. Typically I am not a fan of these coffee in your tea blends but I sniffed this and it didn’t smell too bad so I figured it’d be ok.

I expected to have to add milk to it, but I perfectly understeeped it I think. It’s still got the orange and spice, and just enough espresso to not be gross. Still tastes like tea too. Not something I think I’d drink again, but I’m glad I got a chance to try it.

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814 tasting notes

HAHAH this tastes exactly like the one other tea i ever bought and dumped out.
but i did drink this cup. i added half & half and agave after a few sips so ya, basically covered it up.
taken from the Traveling Tea Box


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4340 tasting notes

Alphakitty included this in the traveling tea box… thanks! This is another chai that has mostly black tea leaves. I feel like there should be a different name for chai that is only spices and then chai that is also mixed with black tea. After steeping a few minutes, the first sip that I tried had that flavor that I think is associated with…. and I could be wrong… there is like a flavor that comes from preserving the fruit in the Della Terra teas. I’ve noticed that in a couple of their apple blends, but not all of their apple blends. This one might be because that flavor is from the orange. But after the first sip that flavor is gone. I don’t think it’s terrible after that. A nice mix of orange, sweet cinnamon, and coffee beans. If I’m right though (and I really have no idea) Della Terra should really get rid of that preservative flavor. I know they can because it seems like half their apple teas have it and half do not. I’m not sure with the other teas. I’m up for trying any tea though, so I was happy to try this one.

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297 tasting notes

This is one of those teas I knew I wouldn’t like, but had to at least try.

The dry notes smell like a chai flavoured coffee, as opposed to q coffee flavoured chai. Hmmm not quote what I expected
The steeped notes smells mainly the same.

It has a rather hot tamales candy flavour to it (in the US I do believe they’re called red hots). It’s interesting , it has a slight coffee tastes, it kind of good (I hate coffee). As it cools the coffee flavours come out way more and then I can’t drink it.

If you like coffee, you’ll like this. If you’re a coffee hater you probably won’t like it. Definetly not a tea for me.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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106 tasting notes

I’m thankful I put in all the work and made this on the stove with milk and honey as otherwise I don’t think I would like it at all. The rating is compared to other chais prepared in similar methods as after all the work, the tea was quite yummy. But how can something not be delicious when it contains milk and loads of honey? This tea though smelled strongly of coffee which is okay, I like coffee. But as it brewed I smelled a burnt taste and this was reflected in the tea. I suppose that is how dirty chai is supposed to taste? But this wasn’t for me.

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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92 tasting notes

Let me start off by saying, my favorite coffee shop drink is chai, and when I need energy I usuallly get it this way. The place I go even calls it Dirty Chai so thats what drew me to it. Smell in the bag didn’t smell like much other then coffee and I don’t like black coffee in the least, so I was expecting to have to make it into a latte to make it drinkable. But I wanted to see if I liked it pure first. The smell in the cup is still overwhelmingly coffee-esque. A slight spicyness is there, but not the way I’m used too from the coffee house.

Upon drinking it I found that the chai itself had sweetened the flavor. This is seriously one of the best things I’ve ever put in my mouth. I am truely in love. Just the right amount of spice and the right amount of dark. It reminds me of what you’d get if you found the just perfect blend of a super spicy chai and a super heavy black tea. All the things I love in one happy little mouthful. This will be first on my list to buy more of, since I only bought a sample. So brilliant!

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 45 sec

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1781 tasting notes

Wow, this is pretty good! I can taste the orange and cinnamon is powerful. The espresso beans add a depth to the flavor that I like. It reminds me of another tea that I had growing up and enjoyed. A touch of sugar was nice. Milk ended up making it a little less delightful.

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