15257 Tasting Notes

drank Minty Winter Wonderland by Tiesta Tea
15257 tasting notes

omg can i go home now? If i get no more time in china to explore, i’m about done with work lol. I’m tired of being up past 10pm working…tired of trying to do someone else’s job… heh

sorry…long day full of long “politic-ing” have made for a grumpy over tired Sil. Add to the fact that i need to get some work done and i’m having issues with my remote access to work…yeah. tea needs to kick in with it’s happy vibes right about now lol


I know how you feel about remote access! I’m not even in China, but working from home is painful sometimes!


i agree!!! Apparently the hotel was having internet issues last night. BOOOO. oh well. 1 more day….after this one.

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drank Laoshan Black by Verdant Tea
15257 tasting notes

Also had a cup of this earlier today. I’m finding that taking this to sip on at work in the morning has been helpful.

Home stretch baby! 2 more days until Airport Day!

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This morning seems so long ago. I had this before heading to the office. A lot of crap is coming up in the last few days of me being here so i am NOT a happy camper. It looks like i probably wont get a chance to get out and see/explore any more of beijing at this rate. :( At least this was a tasty treat to have this morning to jump start my day. Bold tea with a bit of caramel goodness.


what if you feigned sickness and then snuck out :P


yeaaah… that doesn’t work too well. Work still needs to get done :(


for just one teensy afternoon?


i’m in meetings until 6 or 7 tonight…then dinner, then more work before bed. Tomorrow we have our final review in the afternoon with the operations folks… and then friday morning i’m presenting to the head honcho here..and then the afternoon is wrap up with the business side. I COULD (and might) get up at like 5am on saturday morning to head there….but i have to make sure i’m back at the hotel for 1pm so we can head to the airport with enough advance time for the flight.

Terri HarpLady

This tea sounds interesting!
Too bad you don’t get more play time.


Doooo it! you can sleep on the plane! (bearing in mind that I am being totally hypocritical and might just sleep in instead myself haha)

Terri HarpLady

I say go for it!
Meanwhile, if you & I do a trade sometime, I want some of this, LOL!


Sure Terri. Once i’m back in the land of normalcy, Im going to try and set up my swaps since I’m going to do my best not to purchase any tea in March (unless David releases the laoshan black genmaicha…in which case all bets are off). Just remind me – i’ve got plenty to share. I know english tea store has a version as well (i’ve never tried it).

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drank Laoshan Black by Verdant Tea
15257 tasting notes

Few cups of this while i try to get some work done before bed. Had a great night out with the team tonight but i needed something to soothe the craziness going on in my brain. Home stretch over the next day or so and there’s still alot of work to be done. I forsee a good number of late nights still to come.

I’m glad i made the decision to bring a large quantity of this tea as my go to tea. May not have helped with my sipdowns but i needed at least one comfort from home.


Every cup of tea brings you overall closer to sipdowns :D That’s what I tell myself when I drink something that still has a few cups left. I’ve also decided to try and get through similar-ish teas before re-purchasing – I’d been going through Laoshan Black too quickly; need to change it up more so it lasts longer and I don’t feel inclined to buy it as often!

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drank Laoshan Black by Verdant Tea
15257 tasting notes

Here’s hoping this is restocked soon since i know of a few people itching to get their hands on some more. I thankfully still have a bit left to tie me over until it’s back up on the site. Though i did bring a bunch with me on this trip so that i could work through part of my bag. Not because i want to get rid of it, but because i’m trying to get better at drinking my tea down once it’s opened instead of letting it sit there for a few weeks? months? between tastings

Terri HarpLady

I have to confess…I bought 4oz right before it went out of stock, LOL.
I mean, I couldn’t run out of it, ya know?


Ha! I have 2oz. coming my way and I haven’t even tried it before. Can’t wait. How many steeps do you typically like to get out of this one?

Terri HarpLady

If I just do it in a cup, I use 1 tb & steep 3 min first, then 4, then 5. Sometimes I’ll do 5 again, but generally by then the party is over.
In a Gaiwan, 15 sec, 30 sec, 45, 60…etc. I get more steeps that way, just adding 15 sec to each. But I tend to like it dark & dirty, lol, so usually I go for the cup.


Thanks, I’ll definitely try that out when I get mine. :)


Yeah see above. I pretty much do it the way Terri does. lol If i’m only going to go for 1 steep, i for sure sometimes just use 1.5 tsp instead of the tblspoon.


I give it only a 1 min infusion to start :)

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drank Organic Japan Classic by Ronnefeldt Tea
15257 tasting notes

you know you were all desperate to see another tea log on this tea. By the way, i am totally snagging the extra bag they give me in the morning to foist onto random people. That’s right, I’m thiefing (yes i spelled it that way on purpose) tea!

This morning this was a whole lot of yellow flavoured water. I think i’m developing an immunity to this tea, or because i’ve managed to drink my other teas – it’s just not working for me in the morning. I might need to swtich over to twinnings. Thankfully i usually have time in the morning to also make some laoshan black. Just took me a week to get the timing down to have enough time lol

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drank Minty Winter Wonderland by Tiesta Tea
15257 tasting notes

Soooo after getting all fired up after the MOST USELESS MEETING ON THE PLANET!!!! I’m having a cup of this. Let me tell you, nothing shows the world you’re an idiot like calling a meeting to discuss something that’s already been decided – because you have options to present… uh. ok? never mind that we asked them to clarify 3 times before the meeting on what the meeting was about. Turns out…they should have just told us they needed us to tell them that we’d already gotten sign off about the thing they’re unclear about. Confused yet? yeah. so were we.

Long story short…1 hour meeting to decide that we’re going to go ahead with what we were already doing. yeah. ok then. thanks for coming out morons.

phew! the irate canuck in me is showing. you wouldn’t like me when i’m angry!!!!HULK SMASH! yeah ok… crazy girl needs to curl up with more tea apparently. and then sleep. seriously, having to stay up for that BS just has me all crazy. bah! gah! grrrrrr

good thing this tea is all minty happy dance in my mouth. also…it tastes SUPER awesome if you let a coke bottle melt in your mouth with the tea. yeah. i did that. :)


I’m right there with ya! I hate pointless meetings! Sounds like you need some tea with lavender ;)


I hear Tulsi is good for stress as well!


Sil you made me laugh …I understand so well your meeting description


Lol. Thanks guys. I was a little crazy wired last night. :)

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Soooo..let’s talk about stress..and pms and being in a foreign country when over tired and reacting to the pollution. It’s called, dinner is made up of some chips, a cheese bagel and z-up followed by chocolate and sugar donut and yes..this tea. And a bath. And god damnit that’s what’s what.

lol But let me tell you…nothing in this world is better than that donut and chocolate and tea when you’re enjoying it. I’ll pay for it later i’m sure but tonight i needed anything but noodles or rice or beef or lamb or fried anything. Also it doesn’t help that i had a bunch of work to do tonight before my evening call with toronto. So i didn’t really have a chance to go to a sit down restaurant.

And this tea? While not something i drink often in toronto, was just what the doctor ordered tonight. Maybe it bonded with the water better than back home but it was just a creamy delicious cup of toffee and dark brood-y tea. So good.


Sorry things are making you out of sorts. Hopefully you get to go home soon!


I’ll be fine.. just a rant away from crazy town :) Still loving it and getting things done..just stressed a bit


(of course a pound of candy and the dinner of champions also has me all over the place as evidenced by my awesome tasting rants lol


HAHAHA! My daughter was gone this weekend, I definitely made nachos for breakfast yesterday.


But, I had it with oolong, so that makes it okay.


woot! that would be great :)


nachos! I want some now haha

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drank Laoshan Black by Verdant Tea
15257 tasting notes

oh man i needed this to help me wake up. I’ve already had 3 cups of this and i’m working on my 4th at the office. I think it’s fantastic that the hotel gives me “to go” cups in the room that i can use to bring my tea from the hotel to the office. especially since there are no kitchen facilities here. Pretty much no one brings a lunch – you have to eat out.


is it for safety reasons you have no kitchen in your offices ? It’s a pity for tea sure…


It looks like it’s a beijing thing. I’m in china at the moment and the offices here (at least from what people tell me) don’t have kitchens. Back home, there are kitchens and i can make tea anytime. :)


That sounds awful.


it’s different..thats for sure. and let’s not talk about the women’s washroom… i expect more..so much more from an office washroom.

Terri HarpLady

Just another in the series of reasons that I’m glad to be self employed!
singing “Takin care of business” ;)

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drank Organic Japan Classic by Ronnefeldt Tea
15257 tasting notes

oh man…back to work. I needed something stronger than this to get me going after last nights festivities and the resulting amount of time it took me to get to sleep. Had a pot of this for breakfast and then went back to my room to make several cups of a stronger tea. I should just start bringing my other tea down to breakfast and asking them to make a post for me. :) See previous tasting notes. this is an adequate bagged green. it’ll do in a pinch


wake up! lol


oh man.. so hard.


I’ve been there. If only coffee were as tasty hahahaha


Geez, you must be so buzzed after this and the Laoshan Black.


sadly caffeine rarely affects me unless i haven’t had anything to eat. Nearly half the day later and I’m still falling asleep. IB – i enjoy coffe quite a bit – well lattee style. It’s just that since the caffeine doesn’t really hit me, there’s no point in paying to drink a lattee when i can have my tea lol


ah boo, that sucks. redbull maybe?

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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