drank Sencha Jungle by Théhuone
63 tasting notes

First snow! I have been waiting for this, it has to be white and snowy christmas not like in London (water and only water).
Anyway, now it’s time for flavoured tea. I bought this when my favourite Sweet Strawberry tea run out so I decided to try something else for a while.
This one has been flavoured with mango and pineapple oils, for decoration it has some flower petals and rose buds and green sencha for the base. It actually looks really tempting. It has strong fruity smell, but it is also kinda soapy which is quite unpleasant. I don’t really smell pineapple and mango just bunch of fruits that I can’t recognise.
Brewed tea is clear and has orange color. Now it smells kinda like pineapple. Not bad actually, fruity flavour and maybe I can detect that mango lingering around. Not the best but worth the price (5e/100g)

Flavors: Fruity, Pineapple

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 17 OZ / 500 ML

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Favourites – Green, Sheng puerh
Likey – Green oolongs, white
OK. – Black, Shu puerh, darker oolongs
Meh Infusions

New Rating:
100 The most perfect tea in the world.
90-99 It is definitely one of my favourites.
80-89 Delicious, but there is something little that I don’t like.
70-79 Pretty delicious, not my favourite but I like it.
60-69 Alright, might buy more.
50-59 Average, nothing special here.
30-49 Holy smokes, is this stuff even tea?
1-29 No. Just no.

Flavours/nuances I like:
Fruits, flowers, floral, berries, sweet, astringent, nutty, cream, butter, vegetal, sour, vanilla, honey, marine, seaweed, grassy, woody, smoky, dried fruits, citrus, umami

//My english can be a bit rusty sometimes. Sorry about that.


Uusimaa, Finland



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