I previously reviewed the 2008 Dayi HongYun Pu-erh, I loved it, and have bought several since. I haven’t changed my view on this tea, other than—it’s grown on me quite a bit since my first review.

Also, I highly recommend PuerhShop.com, I’ve been a customer for several years, and I really appreciate the quality and service. Thank you Pu-erh Shop! :)

Tea Notes:
Delicious. Earthy and rich in flavor with a hint of sweetness on the nose. Nice leathery and woodsy flavor notes, a well-rounded Pu-erh. I steep my Pu-erh’s a lot longer than most, because I enjoy them strong, so my reviews might be skewed compared to other people’s liking. The first and second steep are great with this tea, but its rich flavor fades, thins out past where I like it by the third steeping. But that’s not really a negative for me. Delicious and Affordable.

My Ratings…
★ = Didn’t Hate It.
★★ = Not Bad.
★★★ = Me Likey.
★★★★ = Impressive!
★★★★★ = AwesomeSauce!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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