87 Tasting Notes


This is a nice, gentle Darjeeling with a sweet finish and not too much astringency. I like it almost as much as I like Kenilworth, which is saying a lot!

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drank Blueberry Rooibos by Rishi Tea
87 tasting notes

What a rare find! I’m a fan of rooibos blended with vanilla, but I haven’t tried it blended with much else. This tea is gorgeous; the blueberry scent and taste are perfect and fresh. It doesn’t even need sweetening.

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Rather unexpectedly, I found this at Whole Foods. It’s not as spectacular as the other Assams I currently have in my cupboard, but it’s got a kind of soft, sweet raisin note that’s very pleasant when sweetened with a light honey. A nice evening tea.

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Brews far too strong even when you leave it for just 2-3 minutes. Milk helps in this case, of course, but unless that’s your goal / preferred way of taking your tea, it’s rather bland and uninteresting (I prefer Taylors of Harrogate Yorkshire Gold if I’m basically making builders’ tea).

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drank Sencha by Ujinotsuyu
87 tasting notes

A good enough basic green tea, but nothing exceptional.

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drank Mélange Hédiard by Hediard
87 tasting notes

I’m a fan of very fine China black teas to begin with (Bai Lin Gong Fu comes to mind here, although the tin label doesn’t specify what kind of China black they use), and I would never have thought to add citrus oil. The result is a delicate sweetness that’s perfectly amplified by demerara sugar or a light honey (like acacia or orangeblossom).

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Truly wonderful! I’m generally a Kenilworth girl when it comes to Ceylon, but the light, refreshing complexity of this one really won me over. I’ll keep this one in stock regularly if I can.

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drank Yerba Mate by Guayaki
87 tasting notes

It’s too bitter for my taste, and I can’t say as I derived any particular stimulating effects, either. If I ever had it again, I’d probably have to add honey or agave to help take the edge off.

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drank Sunset Spice by Red Rose
87 tasting notes

This is a pleasant spice tea that’s got a strong orangey citrus flavor to it. Not exceptional, but if you want something with general spice and citrus notes in a pinch, it’ll do!

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I was recently given a sample of this, and it’s wonderful. If you’ve been trying to replicate Thai iced tea at home, seriously, ice it, add some milk or soy milk (or whatever milk-substitute you fancy), and sweeten it. YUM.

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Writer, editor, foodie, & queer in every sense; Poetry Co-Editor @strangehorizons & Annual Anthology Co-Editor @darkmtn [that’s my Twitter bio; find me at twitter.com/ajodasso]


Boston, Massachusetts, USA



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