Finally, I made an ETTE tea purchase!
Thank you Black Friday / Cyber Monday :)
Why did I chose this out of everything? It’s an oolong blend that has bergamot, coconut, and other stuff, how cool is that?
I ended up with three steeps added together which ended up being a rounded milk oolong with some citrus notes and a cream to it that was pleasant.
This is something I enjoy and will continue to drink because of how smooth it is. Based on the smell and look of the tea, I wouldn’t think much of it. The milk oolong is tiny and the smell from the lotus is strong. That smell doesn’t carry over into the tea, THANK YOU TEA. Interestingly enough, the milk oolong used in this is quality because when it unfurls there are rather nice sized leaf which I would have not guessed by just eye balling it before the brew.
I’m unsure how just one brew of this would taste opposed to multiple, but I knew I wanted to have multiple to get a balanced tea because I didn’t want a strong bergamot nor a lot of coconut going on. Pretty glad I finally have an ETTE tea container; Victor’s marketing works well because I have been window shopping his blends for some time.
Someone better do another ETTE group buy… waiting a whole year doesn’t sound enjoyable.
I must have been trying to create a new word :/