127 Tasting Notes
Got this as a sample with my B&B order.
I did take it on a long car ride, so it steeped for a long time. it’s so minty! there is very little I can say about this tea, it’s got a fresh mint flavour that’s almost hard to believe is not the result of flavourings…and very little else. I do like it though, it’s not the chewing-gum kind of mint that i can dislike sometimes. not sure how to describe it.
It’s going on the wishlist for the next time I can justify getting tea.
Flavors: Mint, Peppermint, Sweet
I’m game. Sparkly tea will always get my attention…black is still a weird colour for tea though! Though this is less offputting to me than the brighton rock one, maybe because of the black tea giving it more of a warm tone. I like the smell a lot, mint and blackcurrant is weirdly nostalgic. The brew itself is…mediocre. I don’t dislike it, but it just does not have that wow-factor for me. but it shimmers!
oh wow that colour is slightly offputting. I appreciate it’s meant to be a deep blue (like the red-white-blue of Brighton rock) and I can kind of see that when looking at the spoon, but looking into my ceramic mug it straight up looks black. We’ve all had black tea before, but that’s more dark brown, and deep black is a weird colour for a drink! I’m tempted to add milk just to see what the colour will do… but I won’t (for now).
Most of the smell and flavour is mint. It’s quite nice like that, with the herbal mint upfront and then a kick of the fresh candy-like mint at the end of the sip. I feel this tea was quite sweet on it’s own, so my usual amount of sugar has oversweetened it… I like this, not the oversweetening but the mint. I don’t pick up on the pepper or any other ingredient, but it’s a solid minty mint-tea.
Flavors: Mint, Peppermint, Sweet
hmm, unsure of this one, it’s definitely not my favourite of the twinings fruit teas. it’s certainly fruity, but the hibiscus base seems to overpower the orangey flavour… like a hibiscus tea with orange peel? it’s not bad it’s just not the best, I suppose
Flavors: Hibiscus, Orange Zest
I know I like this tea, but I think I oversweetened it today. It has a very sharp minty flavour probably derived from the “flavourings” more than the peppermint leaves, and a deep chocolatey base. The chocolate overpowers the mint in this cup, but I think that is because of the sweetness.
Flavors: Chocolate, Menthol, Peppermint
It’s so fruity! it’s not particularly tea-like… It actually reminds me of hot squash, but it’s delightful in it’s own way with that. It’s very berry flavoured, I mostly get the blackcurrant but the blueberry is definitely in there as well. I’m not sure if it’s a particularly natural flavour, it seems a bit strong for that, but it does not have the giveaway “artificial” flavour, if that makes any sense at all.
Flavors: Berry, Black Currant, Fruity, Sweet, Tart