Where have you been all my life, little tea sample from Verdant?! I’ve had this one in my travel with me vintage lipton tea tin for a few months now and have yet to try it. Now that I finished the Traveling Tea Box C, I can focus on my huge swaps and samples and orders I have piling up in my closet. Ha Ha. I am actually making a Verdant order tonight and this baby is getting ordered. I loved the smoothness this tea brought. Defintely could taste all the notes. Chocolate, roasty rice, caramel, love it! Each steep was completely different from the one before which I loved, it’s like have multiple teas in 1. I got 3 steeps out of it before it started to get to late to be drinking a black tea. I should be in bed by 8 for my 4AM shifts:) I also ate with it some chocolate that paired perfectly with it. :)
Well I love this one and don’t know what more to say about it. Speechless.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Haha I quite literally JUST ordered this half an hour ago.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Ha ha i am just about to order mine. Sadly the main tea I wanted is now out of stock because I fell asleep before I processed my order last night. Wang Yanxin’s Budset Jin Jun Mei.


Oh no :( That’s the worst! I’ve never ordered from Verdant actually, and I went a little crazy and placed way too many orders the last few days :/ At least I’ll have a bunch of tasty teas!


i do love this one….. when i have a bad day i plunk myself down on the couch and drink this……. possibly while getting lost in skyrim. =0D

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Yes I had a very bad day today. I came down hard on my room mate for stuff that is getting out of hand. I went to work at 4AM so mad I was shaking all day and my adrenaline was through the roof, so this one was a MUST have after work.


Aww, that’s the worst. Tea is super comforting sometimes though. Yesterday sucked and my two new Mandala teas really made a bright spot in it for me :D


this tea plus skyrim….. cannot advocate strongly enough! lol. very zen. there are no room mates in skyrim.


Another person about raving this one! I need to try this one and soon! Maybe tomorrow!

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Haha I quite literally JUST ordered this half an hour ago.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Ha ha i am just about to order mine. Sadly the main tea I wanted is now out of stock because I fell asleep before I processed my order last night. Wang Yanxin’s Budset Jin Jun Mei.


Oh no :( That’s the worst! I’ve never ordered from Verdant actually, and I went a little crazy and placed way too many orders the last few days :/ At least I’ll have a bunch of tasty teas!


i do love this one….. when i have a bad day i plunk myself down on the couch and drink this……. possibly while getting lost in skyrim. =0D

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Yes I had a very bad day today. I came down hard on my room mate for stuff that is getting out of hand. I went to work at 4AM so mad I was shaking all day and my adrenaline was through the roof, so this one was a MUST have after work.


Aww, that’s the worst. Tea is super comforting sometimes though. Yesterday sucked and my two new Mandala teas really made a bright spot in it for me :D


this tea plus skyrim….. cannot advocate strongly enough! lol. very zen. there are no room mates in skyrim.


Another person about raving this one! I need to try this one and soon! Maybe tomorrow!

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Hi! I am a 20 year-old from Salinas, California. I attended school in Monterey and played softball for my JC. I recently moved to San Luis Obispo, CA where I got a job as a full time baker and I LOVE my job! I have always loved to bake and cook since I was young and actually started my own cupcake business in highschool to help pay for my senior year as well as pay my way through college. Once I moved my cupcake business was put on hold, but I still love what I’m doing now. I love to work with children and hope to transfer soon to a college for child development or family psychology. I would also love to go to culinary school! I have a lot of things I want to do and am determined to do them! I am a huge tea enthusiast. I love to read about tea. Learn about tea. Make tea. Drink tea. Taste new flavors.

I am also very big on reading and always enjoy a good read. If you ever have any reccomendation never be afraid send it my way!

I am really excited to be a part of this tea community and can’t wait to trade tips, teas, recipes and treats!

PM me with any of the above and I can’t wait to meet you all!


(Salinas, Ca ) San Luis Obispo, CA

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