46 Tasting Notes
I’ve started noticing when you show all three Cake Teas to a customer, they hold onto one longer than the others. This one is not my favourite – it has an odd smell, but I do like the taste. It’s very smooth and rich.
Not a tea you need to sweeten.
I can’t get enough of this when it’s around.
It’s sweet, creamy and somehow NOT completely overpowering. It has a subtle smell and leaves your mouth feeling clean (somewhat more like a citrus tea).
I take mine with milk and honey. <3
Not naturally a fan of coconut, I gave this a shot after some other staff members recommended it. Delish!
It’s creamy and not too sweet, although has usual oily surface side-effect of coconut teas which can be a little strange.
Thank the sweet lord this is out and now I can talk about it.
It went from strange new tea to Top 10. Easily.
If you like Cinnamon Heart, you will like this (although you’ll get less of a kick from the caffeine, as this is a green), and if you like actual cinnamon hearts OR Hot Lips (for my American viewers, they’re like cinnamon hearts except gummi and lip-shaped) you will like this.
Spicy! Good for what ails you, if you need help with chest or sinus issues.
Add a bit of agave and it’s like eating a damn candy.
It’s a nice tea. I don’t mind the taste of hibiscus, and for a while was drinking straight hibiscus tea. It’s lovely iced, although I was a bit hamfisted with the agave. I couldn’t shake the cinnamon smell – each time I took a sip, it smelled intensely of cinnamon but didn’t taste spicy at all. It confused me.
I made a tumbler full of this as something to have on my bus ride into the US. I needed something without caffeine, and a couple friends had recommended it, so who was I to argue?