JUNE 2020 subscription (probably)
Maybe I do too many tasting notes now? Well, I have lots of teas coming to me and I need to reduce numbers greatly. And I have to drink lots of few last cups of teas. I keep last cup in pouch and… well it doesn’t disappear.
Moreover, I have received already August subscription envelope and this haven’t been even opened! Probably I have been waiting for hotter days, but colder ones came instead.
Dry leaf aroma reminded me some opened and bit stale 7Up drink. The ingredients looks fresh, lemongrasss kept its green-yellow colour.
Brewed, grandpa, 3 tsp, boiling water makes bright yellow colour, while lemongrass is on the bottom and peels are on the top. It won’t be easy to drink it (and I am lazy to strain it).
Well, aroma of brewed tea is pretty much same. Taste… well, it is not a lemonade but I notice lemons for sure, among other citrus fruits, lemongrass, and… well that’s it.
Pretty nice even hot.
Flavors: Citrus Fruits, Lemon, Lemongrass
No! No such thing as you writing too many tasting notes, Martin. That reminds me of the Emperor telling Mozart his opera had ‘too many notes.’ LOL!
No! No such thing as you writing too many tasting notes, Martin. That reminds me of the Emperor telling Mozart his opera had ‘too many notes.’ LOL!
Nope , keep posting Martin. Any post we make always benefits someone.
I like to read your notes on the B&B teas I probably won’t try, so keep posting! :D