This was a sample from their catalog. I Prepared with a tiny bit of soy milk and a tiny bit of honey. Sipping on this the black tea’s base is too weak and quite absent unfortunately. The flavor doesn’t make up for the lack of base either. I can taste something that resembles alcoholic flavored extracts you would use in baking. It reminds me of a very artificial amaretto flavor I’ve had chocolate that tasted like that before. I believe this must be the caramel coming through and am quite disappointed. It is slightly creamy but not nearly to the extent that the Downton Abbey Ms. Patmore’s Pudding tea is. Which is one of my favorites. I do not recommend this tea to buy as it is quite boring and the quality resembles a lower priced tea bag.
Flavors: Alcohol, Artificial, Caramel, Vanilla
Many, many years ago I was enamored with all things ROT. Not so much anymore, and I think it’s the catalog samples that killed it :) However, Mrs. Patmore’s is still a winner. (Have you ever had it with milk?)
Many, many years ago I was enamored with all things ROT. Not so much anymore, and I think it’s the catalog samples that killed it :) However, Mrs. Patmore’s is still a winner. (Have you ever had it with milk?)
I don’t drink cow’s milk but have tried it with Soy and it is pretty great.