I have been trying to post this since Friday. But steepster was not behaving. So I emailed Jason to get it fixed. So thanks Jason for fixing the bug, and also thank you Angel at Teavivre for this awesome sample!!!
The dry tea looks perfect. Beautiful dark green leaves. They are all uniform, minimal breakage or tea dust. The smell is so delicious and fresh, I just want to eat the dry leaves. Smells strongly of fresh green cabbage.
The brewed tea brews up very light straw colour. There is a string sweet spinach and cabbage smell. The taste is sweet spinach, green leafy vegetables. It is smooth and creamy. Definitely tastes very fresh.
My taste buds are vey happy I had a chance to try this one. I have liked all of Teavivre’s long jings that I have tried. But this one is definitely the best. The freshness of the harvest makes a huge difference in taste.
Thanks so much Angel (you are my Tea-Angel)!
I loooooved the She Qian
So glad you like this tea. Hope you have a wonderful time.