drank Wuyi Dark Roast by Samovar
1112 tasting notes

This one courtesy of the Amazing Takgoti! Thank you!!!

I chose this one for today because Robert Fortune has arrived at the Wuyi mountains in China in the Steepster Book Club book, For All the Tea in China! I thought that it would be neat to drink a tea from the very area I am reading about! I am imagining the mists and the dragon skeleton mountains as I sip!!

I did a rinse in boiling water, then did the rest of my infusions at 195 degrees.

The first three steeps had this amazing dark roasty flavor which reminded me of natural peanut butter from the health food store – no salt no sugar! just the ground nuts. It then morphed into something like the barley tea that I had at the Korean restaurant. I’m now getting a good tea flavor with some deep elements. Seven wonderful steeps. This tea had the most dramatic changes in flavor! It was almost like I had three different teas today! I think it could even go for more but I am so full of tea, and need to leave the office soon!

The blurb says it’s good for coffee drinkers – I have to agree. Not because it tastes like coffee, but because it has the hefty presence of coffee. I love it. I definitely would pick some of this up for the winter. I want to see what steeps 8 and beyond hold!! Mmmmm.

Boiling 0 min, 45 sec
Rabs 15 years ago

Absolutely lovely note! I haven’t gotten to the Wuyi part of the book yet, but I must try and drink some too when I get to that. :)

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Rabs 15 years ago

Absolutely lovely note! I haven’t gotten to the Wuyi part of the book yet, but I must try and drink some too when I get to that. :)

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I love to cook, bake, read, paint, knit, do needlework, and garden. I need my coffee, but I LOVE my tea. I work at an Art School, and attend a large public university doing post-bac work (my BA is in English). I’m interested in the liminal spaces between art and craft, the academic and the practical, the individual and community, and the old and the new. I’m currently exploring these ideas through the disciplines of education, literature, history, and psychology.

I enjoy writing tasting notes, but have decided not to numerically rate teas as of 9/14/10. For an explanation, see my looooong tasting note about Mountain Malt from the Simple Leaf.

My favorites:
Chinese black teas
A good “milk and sugar” English style black
Earl Grey (classic, and in all variations!)
Vanilla teas (classic, and in all variations!)
Jasmine, Rose, Violet and other froofy, flowery teas!
An Occasional Oolong
Flavored Rooibos
Herbal Tisanes


Collingswood, NJ



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