This is a new genre of tea for me completely. It tastes like seaweed and spinach. Mellow and soft, it is not unpleasant but certainly new. It does not need anything to supplement it- I think this is a taste you acquire, I have not succeeded yet, it is just culturally very new and I will have to keep trying it and see if it sticks. Smells like warm seaweed, not overly strong, but not like anything else I have ever tasted in tea. Funky.
Are you sure you’re talking about premium black tea from Yunnan? Black tea isn’t really new culturally ;)
CORRECTSHESAID! I believe people have taste buds according to their typical diets, and I have not been exposed to those in this tea frequently, yet. While not unpleasant it is just new to me.
Are you sure you’re talking about premium black tea from Yunnan? Black tea isn’t really new culturally ;)
I assume she meant new to her taste buds!
CORRECTSHESAID! I believe people have taste buds according to their typical diets, and I have not been exposed to those in this tea frequently, yet. While not unpleasant it is just new to me.
I agree, that’s how i felt about laoshan black! Doesn’t mean it will never appeal to me!