drank Pistachio Cream by DAVIDsTEA
93 tasting notes

This came as a free sample along with my awesome new Nordic leaf mug (seriously, it has to be the coolest mug ever). I don’t think I would have ever picked this tea for myself, so I’m really glad to have gotten the chance to try it out. I’m seriously thinking about purchasing it if it ever goes on sale.

I was a little disappointed that there weren’t any actual pistachios in the sample, but the pistachio flavor turned out to be quite convincing. The dry leaf had a very nutty smell, but smelled a bit too strongly of alcohol. Once steeped, the smell was absolutely delicious— nutty and creamy. The pistachio flavor was at the forefront with a bit of a vanilla finish.

I don’t know what the chamomile brought to the table. As someone who does not enjoy chamomile in the slightest, I can’t say I’m disappointed that its taste was nowhere to be found.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I’m a Floridian living in Kansas and currently pursuing a physics Ph.D. by day (…and by night, who am I kidding?) with an immense love for all things tea.

Rating Scheme:

<50 = Undrinkable.
50-59 = Drinkable, but not my cuppa.
60-69 = Decent, but nothing to write home about.
70-79 = Good tea that I drink occasionally. Probably will not restock when it runs out.
80-89 = Very tasty. May or may not restock when it runs out.
90-100 = Delicious. A staple in my collection.


Manhattan, KS

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