Things have finally settled a bit around here: the tot, newborn, & I are slowly finding a routine, the in-laws have gone back to Edmonton, and…
The weather has been on the plus side all weekend, which means that this dreadful snow is melting! It also means that there’s a bit of flooding in our basement, but nothing major, just soggy carpet in the one corner.
However, today I’m choosing to look on the positive side, which means juggling a rambunctious two-year-old plus her 2-week-old cluster-feeding brother and attempting to brew up some stove-top chai! This tea makes a lovely chai, plus the candies mean that I only need minimal sweetener (and am now wondering if I could’ve left the sweetener out completely). It’s delicious with milk, spicy, smooth, and warming. Yum, yum! Let’s hope I can maintain this positive outlook until my husband comes home late tonight!