This might be the oldest moonlight white I’ve tried and possibly the highest grade (but none of the others have really said much about how fancy they are except for saying they’re tippy). It broke my brain a little bit. I’ve heard that as moonlights age they become more like black tea but until this one I hadn’t had any that really reminded me of black tea. Some sniffs smelled like white tea, some like black. The flavor was mostly black tea with that tongue-coating maltiness of fancier blacks like golden needles. Being white but also black-ish was sort of like White2Tea’s Hot Brandy, which is a blend of black and white. I usually enjoy a good tongue-coating feels-like-you-could-chew-it black tea but I was really more in the mood for a fruit juicy type white tea. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it more when I’m in more of a black tea mood. I like the small 100g size of the cake. I wish more pressed teas came in 50-100g sizes. The smaller cakes are easier to store (at least for the size and shape of my tea storage boxes) and I’m less nervous about buying small cakes if I’m not sure if I like something yet. I’m not thrilled about the plain white wrapper on this tea, though. I think I’m going to have to make some kind of label or outer wrapper or something for it so I remember what it is.