MMMMM….loving the smell of the tea leaves :) I bought a 6ozish sized container of this when I was at the O’Hare airport the beginning of July. The container is thick glass (unfortunately clear glass, so the tea will be affected by light, but it resides in my dark cupboard when not in use). The glass lets you see the leaves and strawberry pieces and it looks very nice, the leaves are dark and long.
While steeping this tea is very fragrant. It is sweet and tart, similar to strawberry fro-yo with a sencha background. On the tongue it isn’t quite so yogurty but more of a sweet strawberry flavor. The sencha is a great pairing for the strawberry and vanilla flavor as it is upholding it’s own against the strong strawberry. The vanilla adds a little creaminess to this tea. I wouldn’t need milk or sugar for this brew, it is good and flavorful on it’s own. Very happy I was able to get some of this tea.
This sounds delicious!!!
sounds yummy! I really liked Lupicia’s Strawberry Vanilla, I bet I’d like this too.
it must be a starwberry vanilla kind of day around here! lol