Bad lady had a second cup of caffeinated tea this morning…. another Lupicia, as my small Butiki stash has runneth out and I wanted something other than Harney today. So I went with Lupicia’s Au Lait. I’m pretty dang sure that this is a ceylon blend, as there is more astringency than I typically like and the back of the package says “Origin: Sri Lanka”. :) When I first “upgraded” my tea, I found this to be a wonderful tea, but now that I have figured out what teas I truly like, I’m afraid this one won’t make my list. It’s bright and tasty, but that dang astringency sits on my tongue and in my tummy like a wet bed sheet. This blend is made especially to handle milk well (which is usually the hallmark of a tea that I will love) but due to the blasted astringency, I won’t be ordering again. If you like ceylons that take milk well, I’d give this a try.