Being doomed temporarily to decaf-land after being a hearty black tea drinker for decades was almost a death sentence. Really? It takes 2 decaf Tetley bags to make a vaguely reasonable mug of tea. Bleah. I came across this tea at our local Mitsuwa and DANG AM I GLAD!! First sniff takes me right to Crunchberry-ville!! The strawberry and vanilla smells really sweet, but it doesn’t translate to that level of sweetness in the mug. But it is nice. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. It tastes like a treat. A nommy self-indulgent treat. I used honey and milk with a teabag…I might add a bit more tea to the brew if I had loose leaf to make it stronger, but that’s my personal choice. If you like cap’n crunch, get this tea. If you love strawberries, get this tea… heck, just get this tea. Especially if you’re living in decaf land. It’s worth it.