Wow I also have to highly recommend this delicious oolong!
I got the $1 pack from DT and steeped it for 5 minutes in my perfect mug. I haven’t had the chance to try multiple short steeps, but I did resteep the leaves for another 5 minutes after. Oh bliss!
A hint of mineral/rocky flavour and texture all wrapped up in a sweet blanket of rock sugar (let’s stick with the rock theme!) and it.. um.. ROCKS! I’m not getting any bitterness with 185 degree water – but definitely some sort of spice. Not getting any floral notes at all.. hmm what is that spice… it definitely has a kick! I’ll keep thinking about it :)
DT seems to be stocking on new unflavored teas lately, that’s a good thing, think I’ll put this one on my list…
Yes, of all of the ones that came out, you do want to try this one for sure!
Yeah this one is legit!