4125 Tasting Notes

drank R2D2 by Adagio Custom Blends
4125 tasting notes

Aw, one of the best characters ever… Beep boop beep! This tea is a mixture of broken-up green and white tea leaves, lots of dried apple pieces, some rose hips, and a few blueberries. I see some small pieces of hibiscus, so hopefully they won’t factor into the taste (I hate hibiscus, and rose hips for that matter). It smells very apple-y, with some tartness and a sugary scent. Brewed for 3 minutes at 190 degrees.

It smells pretty good – a mild blend of blueberry, vanilla, and the hay scent of white tea. The taste is quite weird though. It feels like the flavors are fighting one another and not melding very well. I can taste a generic green tea taste with a little bit of bitterness and some musty hay from the white tea. I also taste quite a bit of apple and little to no blueberry. Sigh… I hate it when companies include apples as filler. There’s a really weird tart aftertaste from the rosehips that linger unpleasantly at the back of my throat. Overall, pretty meh. Next time I’ll try a lower temperature, since the recommended 190 seems high to me for a blend with green tea in it. I could see trying this cold-brewed too.

Is this R2D2? I don’t think so. I have a sneaking suspicion that the creator chose this combination because it involves a lot of the colors white and blue. I am always so disappointed when fandom blends are created this way… R2D2 is such a go-getter! He definitely needs a caffeine punch in his tea!

Flavors: Apple, Blueberry, Hay, Rosehips, Vegetal

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

My friend and I used to fight over who got to be R2D2 when we played Star Wars. He was one of the best!

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drank Sakura Sencha by Den's Tea
4125 tasting notes

Another tea from KiwiDelight’s Japanese green sample extravaganza package. It’s a sencha tea with the teensiest cherry blossom buds in it. Cute! The smell is a bit odd… I don’t really smell the sencha, just a strange vinegar scent?

After the tea is brewed, it smells more like a sencha, albeit a mild one. It’s grassy and spinachy in a very light way. There’s a light floral note, and that weird vinegar odor is still there in the background. It tastes similar to the smell – mild grassy sencha with just a wisp of floral taste. I taste vinegar in the back of my mouth at the beginning of the sip – strange but not wholly unpleasant. I asked my boyfriend what he thought, and he said it reminded him of apple cider (what?! weirdo). It seems to me that the floral note is mostly in the aroma.

This was definitely a very delicate tea. I don’t think it lent itself very well to western style – either that or I should have used more leaf. Interesting, but I’m not in love. :P

Flavors: Floral, Grass, Sweet

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

The sakura is basically a salted cherry blossom…that could be the vinegar element you are describing. Did you steep at a low temperature? Just curious :)

Cameron B.

I did it at 180. Kiwi sent me a note with steeping recommendations. :)


I thought it would be best to send you Den’s instructions. Personally, I don’t like them because the sencha and sakura come out too bitter. Totally recommend a cold-brew of this.


I LOVE THIS COLD BREWED! And lightly sweetened ;)

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I got this sample from KiwiDelight. I’m not really going to go into the dry leaf, because I think most of us know what dry sencha looks and smells like (at least, anyone who reads my notes will know by now). Steeped for 1 minute as per usual.

The aroma is pretty standard but still nice – a mixture of spinach and alfalfa with a buttery edge. Tasting this, I assumed that this was a heavily steamed variety because it has more intense flavors. However, it’s actually because it’s not harvested until autumn (I don’t know how steamed it is, it didn’t say). It’s a nice balance between the intense and sweet flavors of gyokuro and the more savory flavor of sencha. I get notes of spinach, zucchini, and butter with a little touch of savory seaweed. Overall, quite tasty and I would definitely drink it again. :)

Flavors: Butter, Grass, Seaweed, Spinach, Zucchini

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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This is the first tea I selected to try from my brand spanking new Star Wars fandom sampler from Adagio. To be honest, I’m not expecting much from these teas and I mostly bought the sampler for the cute tins (I love Star Wars…). I chose this one because it smells fantastic! It’s very strong marzipan/sweet almond scent with other roasty nuttiness mixed in and a few spices. The dry leaf is a mix of a ton of various tiny brown things. Only a few tiny chocolate chips, which makes me happy because I generally don’t like chocolate in teas. On to the tasting! BRRWHHHAARGH! …sorry, I don’t know how to spell a Chewbacca roar…

The aroma of this tea is yum and yum! It’s a more toned-down marzipan mixed with hazelnut and nice roastiness. The taste is also more yum and yum! It’s much more subtle than the smell, but the flavors blend beautifully. There’s a lovely roasted nutty taste with little hints of sweet almond and spice. It also seems a little vanilla-like to me, but there is no vanilla in this so I guess it’s just the almond! I don’t taste chocolate, hooray! This is a very warm and comforting tea, and it reminds me of the holidays. I found myself inhaling with each sip to smell that amazing marzipan goodness. I added a bit of sugar to the second half and I think I may have liked it better without. I can see this being good with milk too!

Now, to the really important part… does this represent Chewbacca? I would say it does a decent job at least. Chewbacca is generally laid back, warm and fuzzy, just like this blend. Then there’s the hints of spice and the caffeine kick from the mate to represent his outbursts. Bravo, I say! I am so pleasantly surprised by this one!

Flavors: Almond, Marzipan, Roasted Nuts, Spices, Toasty

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Sami Kelsh

This sounds so CUTE. I’d be sorely tempted to get this sampler for Gentleman if I could persuade him to like anything more exotic than breakfast tea, bless.

Cameron B.

Hah, yeah he definitely wouldn’t like it then! There’s only one black tea and it’s a chai basically. :P

Sami Kelsh

Maybe I should get it, drink the teas, fill the tins with English Breakfast, and THEN gift it to him. Such a thoughtful partner. :p

Cameron B.

Not to be the bearer of bad news, but you can’t get it anymore after the weekend. :(

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drank Tippy Yunnan by Harney & Sons
4125 tasting notes

My last new Yunnan to try from H&S. I was a little intimidated to try this one, and I’m blaming boychik! ;) I believe she used the word “gross”… Eep. The dry leaves are kind of short and slightly curved, and they’re mostly black with some scattered golden tips. The smell is similar to the Yunnan Golden Tips I tried yesterday morning – very malty with scents of honey and stonefruits. This one also has a sort of musty hay note to it. I did a 3 minute steep because it seemed to be what most people suggested after trying this one.

Well, this Yunnan is definitely very different from the other couple that I’ve tried so far. It almost seems like a completely different type of tea – the only note that really ties them together is malt. While others I’ve tried have been bready, this tea is very earthy and has a fair amount of smoke taste to it. There’s a light honey flavor that I augmented with a small amount of sugar. The sweetness also helped to cut the earth and smoke flavors slightly. I also get an aftertaste that definitely reminds me of leather, but in a mild way. Boychik had warned me that this made her mouth very fuzzy, and I definitely do get a dry mouthfeel from it (that’s what astringency means, right?), but I didn’t have to brush my teeth after. :P

Overall, I realize this is a lower grade tea than the others but I feel it has a similar level of complexity but with largely different flavors. I quite enjoyed it. :)

Flavors: Earth, Honey, Leather, Malt, Smoke

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Is is possible that I got wrong tea in a right labeled sample haha
I run it thru finest strainer and it was full of tiny blackish fuzz. Not astringent. Anyway i may or may not try another time, western only.

Cameron B.

I can send you some of mine to compare if you want! :P

Cameron B.

I didn’t see any particles in mine at all. I brewed it in my Finium basket.


Maybe we can swap in Sept, I’m in Poconos till Labor Day;)

Cameron B.

Definitely. Although I’m going to predict that we will have forgotten by then! ;)


Not necessarily. I got lots of good samples and I want them in good hands. I like your reviews and I like that you are not afraid of experimenting ;-)

Cameron B.

Aw, thanks! :D You’ve been such a great help since I started on here a month ago.


I have also found that if you can drink dairy, and you have a Yunnan that is on the edge of good but not great that you didn’t pay a lot for… about a tablespoon or less of cream in a 12 ounce mug improves it a lot for me. Evens out any bitterness or dry astringency or harshness.

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drank Cotton Candy by DAVIDsTEA
4125 tasting notes

This is my 100th tasting note! Hooray! Not bad for being on Steepster for just under a month.

I got this sample with my David’s mug order. I was pretty excited since there’s been a lot of hype around here about the carnival collection. The dry tea is a mixture of a lot of stuff. There’s red and green rooibos, sprinkles, mango pieces, and apparently some kind of brittle. It smells very sugary and rooibosy.

The aroma is very cotton candy, which was a good sign. I can smell the rooibos, but it’s in the background. At the first sip, I definitely got the cotton candy flavor. However, it seems with subsequent sips I don’t get it any more, which is odd. I’m not sure if my tongue adjusted to the sugar and now it tastes less sweet to me or what. So it basically tastes like a somewhat weak and sweetened rooibos… Meh. I used the whole sample, too, which looked like more than the recommended 1.25 tsp.

Flavors: Cotton Candy, Rooibos, Sugar

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Congrats on 100!! :)

Cameron B.

Thank you! :D


Yay for 100!!


100! Unbelievable for a month! Congrats!!!


Over achiever. ;) ha. Congrats!



Cameron B.

Thanks so much everyone! You’re all sweet. :3


Congrats Cameron!

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First-ever gyokuro! I got this as a free sample from YunomiUS as part of my Japanese green exploration fun time (totally made that up). I don’t know anything about gyokuro, so I kind of browsed around on Steepster to come up with some steeping parameters for western-style. The dry leaf is a beautiful jewel-tone green and shiny, but it is extremely broken up, which I did not expect. It smells similar to a sencha, mostly like alfalfa and a sweet grassiness.

The brewed tea smelled a lot like sencha to me, too. It’s quite spinachy and somewhat sweet with a buttery zucchini element to it that is new to me. But wow, the taste of it took me completely by surprise! I can see similarities to a more heavily steamed sencha, but the level of intensity is so enormous here. There’s a second when I first sip where I don’t taste a whole lot, but then I’m immediately hit by this immensely deep and powerful butternut squash taste. There might be some asparagus in there, too. I also taste a slight bitterness which seems intrinsic to the tea, but I could have also screwed up the steeping. :P This tea has an extremely thick and creamy texture and it coats the tongue heavily. The flavor lingers on and on.

Honestly, this tea is a bit much for me. I don’t find it very well-suited to western brewing because the flavor is so intense and it continues to build as you drink it. I think I would like it more if I did the traditional smaller brew.

This was a very interesting tea experience! I definitely can’t assign a rating to this, I would have no idea where to start. :P

Flavors: Asparagus, Butternut Squash, Creamy, Grass, Spinach

160 °F / 71 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Ok, this is the only video I could find, but you MUST try this method, the best Gyokuro tasting experience I’ve ever had. You basically take freshly made iced cubes (use spring water, not tap) and you let them melt on the dry leaves. You drink a little bit at a time as it melts. You can do that several times. You get the sweetest taste ever this way. Sounds finicky, but it’s not, you just need time and patience :-) watch at around 3:20, it’s only talk for the first 3min.


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Another sample from KiwiDelight. I’ve loved the genmaichas I’ve tried so far, so I was excited to sample another one. The dry leaves are small and flat, and there are some stems included. There is also toasted rice, which is much smaller than I’ve seen before. And everything is covered in a green dust of matcha. I was surprised when I took a sniff, because the dry tea doesn’t smell much like toasted rice, it mostly just smells like grass and leaves.

Well, the toasted rice aroma definitely came out while it was steeping! It made my whole kitchen smell, which was amazing. :D At first when I tasted the brewed tea, I got quite a bit of toasted rice flavor. But it seemed as I kept sipping, it moved more and more into the background and I could mostly just taste the tea. It’s quite grassy, with notes of autumn leaves and some kind of fresh vegetable taste that reminds me of celery or cucumber or something. When I finished the cup, the rice flavor came back as a lingering aftertaste.

I liked this tea, but I really would have liked more genmai flavor.

Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Celery, Grass, Toasted Rice

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Ah I love when teas make an entire room smell good! ^^


I think it’s so-so quality too, but sometimes it’s helpful to drink teas of different qualities so one can be able to distinguish what’s really good.

Cameron B.

Definitely! I appreciate the opportunity to try different teas whether I end up loving them or not. Thanks again. :)


You’re welcome! I hope you really enjoy the rest of the samples :3

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Trying a different Harney sample for my first tea today! I was pretty excited after loving the golden monkey I had yesterday. It actually smells pretty similar in the bag – very malty. But this one has more honey and I can smell a touch of stonefruit and alfalfa. The leaves are about a 50/50 mix of black and golden twisty leaves. I love the look of the gold leaves, they’re so fuzzy and shimmery. I really want to try one of those pure tip Yunnan teas that are all gold and beautiful! :)

This tea has a lovely aroma! Malty, but I love the honey and stonefruit scents. Wow, the taste is powerful! This is definitely the epitome of malt to me, it’s extremely strong but delicious. I also taste a lot of honey, which is fantastic! There’s a woody note and a hint of baked bread. I can see the similarity between this and the golden monkey – they have the same notes but in very different proportions. I found this even more amazing with just the tiniest amount of sugar added. I was a bit sad that I didn’t really taste that wonderful stonefruit that I was smelling. The most I got was a hint by the time it had cooled all the way to room temperature.

I have to say, I feel really bad for this tea on Steepster. It really doesn’t deserve the low rating it has, but it only has 4 ratings and one of them is a 34 (what…?). Makes me sad. :(

Flavors: Bread, Honey, Malt, Stonefruit, Wood

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I love a good yunnan. :)

Cameron B.

I definitely love them so far, although I certainly don’t know which ones are considered good yet. :P


I thought surely I’d tried this one but I guess not. Good ones are ones you like. :) PM me if you’d like to try a Yunnan sampler. I have tons that I’m happy to share.

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Yay another Butiki tea! :) This was one of the samples I asked for with my order. I love blueberry teas so I couldn’t resist! I must admit, I got really nervous about this one when I was reading the other tasting notes on it. It seems a lot of people had a really hard time with this tea coming out very bitter. Eep. It looks like a black tea, though the leaves are smaller and some of them are rolled up like oolong. There are a few blue flower petals and my small sample had one giant blueberry in it. The dry leaf smells like yummy blueberries and not much else, so I didn’t really know what to expect. I followed the directions on Butiki’s website for steeping.

So, I didn’t read up on purple tea at all, and for some reason I expected it to be similar to black tea, probably because the leaves are so dark. Let me tell you, I could not have been more wrong! I knew as soon as I saw the liquid that it was nothing like black tea. I took a sniff and it smelled like blueberry and not a lot else, just like the dry leaf. Not helpful, tea! :P I took a sip and it was pretty much the last thing I expected… It tastes like white tea, and a very mild white tea at that. The blueberry is definitely the star, and there’s a light hay-like flavor there too. The aftertaste reminds me of green tea though, sort of leafy or something. I find it kind of amazing that a leaf that dark can brew up so light! I was really worried about it coming out bitter, so I measured out a precise half-teaspoon instead of using the whole sample. I think I could’ve just used the whole thing to make the flavor a bit stronger. Overall, delicious and unexpected! :)

Flavors: Blueberry, Creamy, Hay

160 °F / 71 °C 5 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Hi, I’m Cameron!

I’m a 30-something software engineer currently living in Austin, Texas with my husband and our two pugs, Gobo and Ume. I tend to cycle between my different hobbies, and they include piano, knitting, video games, board games, miniature painting, planners, bento, Korean skincare, and – of course – TEA! But really, what I’m best at is “collecting” hobby-related things… ;)

- October sipdowns: 2
- Total 2024 sipdowns: 131

I prefer my tea lukewarm or at room temperature and without milk or sugar. I steep Western style, and fluctuate between using big mugs or small teapots depending on the season.

I am always up for a swap! Just let me know if you’d like to try something in my cupboard.

Tea Preferences:
I enjoy both flavored and unflavored teas in many forms. These days, I drink mostly flavored teas, and I tend to gravitate most toward black, green, oolong, and herbal varieties. I do have a special fondness for straight Japanese green teas, however.

I do not sweeten my teas, and pre-sweetened teas are usually too sweet for me. I also do not enjoy stevia.

I tend to reach for fruitier flavors rather than desserty ones these days, but I do have favorites from both categories. Willing to try anything once! There are a few ingredients/flavors that aren’t generally my jam, such as coconut, rose, lavender, and chocolate flavoring. But I also have teas that I love with some of those things, too! :)

Favorite Companies:
3 Leaf
Bird & Blend
Dammann Frères
Harney & Sons
Kyoto Obubu Tea Farms
Old Barrel Tea Co
Simpson & Vail
Taiwan Tea Crafts

Tea Rating Scale:
90-100: Outstanding! Permanent cupboard resident
80-89: Great – a possible staple
70-79: Good, but I wouldn’t buy it
60-69: It’s decent
50-59: Meh… I may or may not have finished the cup
40-49: Ick. Couldn’t finish it.
00-39: Repulsive, I spat it out

I will sometimes refrain from rating a tea if I feel I’m too biased due to my personal dislikes, or if I suspect the sample has been compromised by age or scent contamination.

Cupboard Spreadsheet:


Austin, Texas



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